Using the Presonus FP-10 as standalone Mic-Preamp


Nov 17, 2008
Munich, Germany
Anyone ever did it?
I found this: Instructions.pdf

And i know that you cant use it they way i want to (just as a mic preamp) without updating the firmware to another version (because i know 2 guys that tried it, the inputs are not routed to the outputs, but all inputs to outputs 1+2).

Is the firmware update, and then, the standalone-use of the fp-10 only possible with windows xp, as it seems in the official instructions?
Anyone with the fp-10 and a mac willing to try it? I can't because i don't have the other/new interface allready that will enslave the fp-10's preamps :lol:

(Nope there is no driver for Mac OS X. )
Unfortunately, no it doesn't. :/
As i said, it's no firmware update (and you need that to run the fp-10 standalone without being connected to the pc/mac, because a driver would need the firepod to be connected somehow) but just a control panel which has one option: "internal/external sync".
I could try to install the alternative firmware using bootcamp (xp, sp2). It might work then, because if turned on but not connected, the OS should not influence the Firepod :D

(edit: there seems to have existed a firmware update for os x, because i can find it with google. But it's linked to a dead-end-link on the presonus website. grrr...)
Haha okay this is embarassing.
Well, wolfeman.. as you said, the control panel software really did contain the firmware update, too. I was just a stupid jerk who didn't see the button, but just the "control panel" installer.
And second, i downloaded the firepod driver and not the fp-10 driver (that's why the control panel didn't work yesterday)
Sorry and thank you ;)