Using Waves RBass on a mix?


Your Eventual Destroyer
May 15, 2004
Anyone had experience with this? MaxxBass is similar I think.

If I use the plug-in keeping the original low end and adding the enhancement to it for a really chubby bottom end, is this a bad idea?

Is this more likely than normal to translate badly to other speakers?

Or is this kind of plug-in considered a no-no in general?
I've used Maxxbass more than once on a master, tried Rbass too but I liked it less, sounded less subtle to me.
If used correctly it should make your mix translate better, especially to smaller speakers, since it will contain less frequencies the speakers cannot handle and more frequencies it can handle and make audible.

edit: of course, mix without it, only use it if you find out you really need it!
try to mix without it to be honest

i've been trying to get away from it too....

Its sound good with it on large speakers, but on small cpu speakers or stock car speakers with no subs...i think you lose alot of bass guitar definition.

I've just lately been keeping it dry, but using a small EQ boost at around 120-160hz. only like 2-3db increase. And using reacomp sidechain to keep the peace between the bass and the kick.
I've tried several times to apply it only to take it away later in the mix. I kept it though one time.. It was on a chainsaw that sounded too small, so I pitched it down and added more bass to it with the RBass :lol: Kind of cool actually!
i've been trying to get away from it too....

Its sound good with it on large speakers, but on small cpu speakers or stock car speakers with no subs...i think you lose alot of bass guitar definition.

I've just lately been keeping it dry, but using a small EQ boost at around 120-160hz. only like 2-3db increase. And using reacomp sidechain to keep the peace between the bass and the kick.

I thought the purpose of MaxxBass was to make the bass cut through even on the most crappy tinny speakers (like my inbuilt laptop speakers :erk:). But yeah, I suggest stay away from it unless you have wimpy jazz-bass fingerstyle which won't cut through.
I actually use this plug-in on demos of own songs. I'll recorded my guitar to a drum track and use it for a bass guitar substitute. It's just a quick way to demo songs without recording the bass guitar, but still have no lack in low frequencies. To be honest, the few people that have hear some of my demos of them on it, didn't notice at all that there wasnt a bass in the song. (Although none of them are bass or guitar players):Smokin:

it seems like it would also be an ok Kick Out via an aux send on your kick in track. (rolling off anything above 2Khz).
'Wimpy jazz-bass fingerstyle'? If you show me a jazz bassist with wimpy fingers I'll show you a jazz bassist who isn't getting many gigs.


No-no, don't get me wrong jazz bassists are THE BOMB, but I'm talking about a getting a Fender Jazz Bass to cut through a mix. Greg Christian and Martin Mendez pull it off, that said.
i dont like it on the 2 bus but on weak insts that need some low end everyonce in a while

i tend to use it on some masters that i did not mix or mixes that i did not record
life saver sometimes when eq just wont cut it without drastically affecting the orig sound