Utter Brutality: BDM/Slam Recommendations for All


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
Alright here's the deal. There's a shitload of this stuff, and just like Dodens is obsessed with the old-school DM stuff, I am obsessed (sorta) with underground brutal death metal, NYDM and slam/TXDM stuff. This is not limited to Devourment worship, but can also be related to Suffocation or Deeds Of Flesh also (the three dominant styles, it seems like; also known as TXDM, NYDM, and CADM, respectively).

I'll start with a few of the more epic modern bands. These guys know how to pen memorable songs, but also can appeal to the uber-brutalhead in anyone and everyone.

First up is Septycal Gorge from Italy. These guys impressed me big time with their debut from last year, Growing Seeds Of Decay, out on the unknown-to-me Mutilated Records. Despite the lack of real information or reference points I could initially draw, this band totally got me going with their unique, punishing brand of NYDM and CADM (they show definite influence from both coasts from their breakdowns to their fast, subtly epic riff structures). I am definitely looking forward to more stuff like them, and I hope they get better US distribution soon!

Next we have Goretrade from Colombia. Similar to other Colombian BDM bands, they have a solid backbone of chugging riffs combined with a knack for interesting, semi-progressive themes and structures. One second you could be hearing an utterly ridiculous breakdown and the next you could be hearing a riff picked straight from an old-school death band or a harmonic part that just works perfectly with the current track's sound. Great stuff here; you can hear the maturity they developed between 2003's Ritual Of Flesh and last year's Perception Of Hate big time. ROF features a rawer production, while POH expands on that by adding in a sense of the epic (a common theme for me; I'm big into BDM bands who reach BEYOND the generic trappings of the genre) along with punishing slow sections.

3rd and finally (for now), we have Greece's Inveracity. These guys' first album is fucking STRAIGHT UP Suffo-worship. I'm totally talking tried and true Effigy-channeling, Mullen-spewing, guttural, technical brutality of the highest order. However, something interesting definitely happened here. You all probably know Kronos by now; the melodic death metal band for the ages, but apparently the 4 guys in this band have been studying their Kronosisms too, because the new one, Extermination Of Millions is FULL of references to our favorite Greek-mythology-based French DM band. But this isn't a mere ripoff (like some people think the first CD by these guys, Circle Of Perversion, is of Suffocation's early works)...nah, not at all. First off, I'm pretty sure I haven't heard a solo. And there aren't that many bass solos or interesting sections like solo vocal moments, etc. But, this is an excellent, competent, mature direction for Inveracity, and I hope they expand upon it.

Coming soon, a trio of heavy BDM bands with fuckin' attitude:
Hour Of Penance
Vomit The Soul
I love this thread already. I agree with all your descriptions, those bands all kick ass!

I'll do my part and name some Devourment style TXDM bands:

Cephalotripsy: Actually from California, these guys play slam and nothing but. This is slam in its most pure form, and it rules. Just slam after slam cascading upon you, crushing with their slow grooves. Behind it all is some wet and thick gutturals and loud blastbeats. When you want slam, come here.

Digested Flesh: Some truly brutal slam courtesy of New Jersey. They know how to craft memorable riffs without losing any brutality combining some burp/gurgle vocals with simple but effective cymbal work to really add some dynamics to the grooves and slams. They have released one full length (04) and a split (06) and they have done nothing but improve.

Infernal Revulsion: Japanese Brutal DM is growing very fast and this is just one of the bands to come out from the scene. Following in the footsteps of countrymen Vomit Remnants, they add some fast parts and guitar solos to the Devourment-esque rythm and vocals. If you want slam with a little more speed and guitar work, this is a good pick up.
Gorgasm: (Chicago) Technical brilliance; tracks consist of collections of riffs with little repetition. Shredding and solos are abundant along with complex time signatures and many abrupt tempo changes. The music is dynamic and unpredictable emphasizing grooves consisting of chord progressions to scales played at lightning speed. Gorgasm is currently working on their fourth full length album.
The only brutal dm bands I've been able to get into are Emeth and Defeated Sanity, and they're more in the direction of technical dm, and definitely not slam. But I'll give these a go, thanks dudesters.
I will probably end up doing a little blurb on technical brutal DM so don't worry about that. The first Defeated Sanity will most likely be featured, but the new one is very same-y and not that technical at all.
I'm boss on tech and brutaltech dm, but go right ahead, I may find out about some new bands ;)
I found the new Defeated Sanity more viscerally satisfying due to better production and vocals, but less musically interesting. I'm kind of leaning towards the new one on which I like more, but they both have pros and cons.
Great thread! I made a Brutal Death metal thread but it faded away. Very precious thread for brutal metal maniacs. :kickass: Anybody who haven't checked Vomit The Soul should do it right away! My favourite brutal death metal band is Internal Suffering, Awakening of The Rebel has one of the best sound production ever, and the vocals are killer. Also Degrade is kickass, I really like Lost Torso Found album.