v-amp settings

Man, I would love that too, I use a V-amp 2 like the ones I just saw on their cabs a couple weeks ago. Didn't know they used them too, pretty cool.
that think isn't even 200 bucks. can it really be that good.

i wonder because most cheap amp modelers just suck ass, especially at distortion. it always sounds so shitty and digital, no real crunch. and dt distortion is nice, crisp and clear, but it has a crunch to it as well.

maybe i should pick one up.
Uhm...question change!
Which settings do you use with your v-amp??

Another thing:
My master pot should be at 9 o clock (led at left) because if i raise it ulteriorly I have a fridge and a clipping in my speaker (and in my recorded tracks).
Do you go more up with master?
well the xv-amp is somewhat different which is somewhat annoying becouse it is harder to configure, for example i don't have normal bass mid and high instead i have presence and bass and mid presence and mid bass. It is really confusing untill you get used to it.
I have noticed that i get better results if the master of the xv-amp is lower too but i thought that my amp is to blame since it gives better sound when the volume on the amplifier is higher (i'm not sure im making any sense here)
The sad thing is that i can't really get a descent sound from my processor due to my shitty guitar ( i explained this in the Are you plaing in a band? thread) so i can't really say if the xv-amp is good or bad. The worst thing about the xv-amp is the inability to load presets unlike v-amp2.
Btw have you checked the v-amp2 presets page on the Behringer site?

This is the most confusing post i have ever written :(
yes I checked the preset page, but lot of that presets are shitty for me...the 90% produces the clipping I explain in the last post.....I don't know what is it!
I think I know what you are talking about, you need to turn down the volume on your v-amp and turn up the volume on whatever amp you are using. That seemed to have cut out the clipping for me anyway. Sounds crystal clear now.