Henriksson's and Sundin's V-Amp presets

Dec 7, 2004
Finally after years of coming soon DT's V-amp presets are available for download on the official webpage. *Joy*

But, in order to open them you need a Behringer V-Amp, and unfortunately i own a Behringer XV-amp which is a similar but a cheaper version that doesn't allow the user to load presets. I would be eternally grateful if someone who owns a V-amp would load up DT's presets and then take a picture of the unit (so i could see how everything is set up and do the same thing of my XV-amp) and post the pictures here.
I wouldn't mind this too. I don't have the midi cable to hook it up to PC. It would probably be easier just to type the settings (Like what amp model, cab sim and the EQ settings)
Not sure about this (Martin is the tech guy), but I think there are a lot of settings that only can be accessed by hooking the V-Amp up to a computer and using the configuration program. Just changing the exterior settings probably won't give the right sound.

The preset file contains all the sounds we use live. Most of these are song-specific, so apart from the regular distortion, there are 25-30 other sounds where effects like delay are adjusted to match the BPM of the tune we're playing.
Thanks for the clarification, it makes perfect sense :( I feel like a child with a present that cannot be opened :) I would have been tempted to buy a V-amp just for this but i'm totally disappointed by the XV-amp that i have.
I don't get it though, is the V-amp that good? I never thought of it as a piece of a professional equipment. And when combined with expensive guitars and amps doesn't it lower the quality of the whole sound?
Not sure about this (Martin is the tech guy), but I think there are a lot of settings that only can be accessed by hooking the V-Amp up to a computer and using the configuration program. Just changing the exterior settings probably won't give the right sound.

The preset file contains all the sounds we use live. Most of these are song-specific, so apart from the regular distortion, there are 25-30 other sounds where effects like delay are adjusted to match the BPM of the tune we're playing.
Looks like I'll just have to get a hold of a midi cable it seems. Didn't think you guys would be using these live! I thought maybe only for backup and practise.
Never thought that amplifiers give much difference in sound. What actually matters are the pedals/effects you're using. If it's a decent one, like one of those huge Digitechs, you can pretty much make whatever sound you want for any band - I'm pretty sure I found the configuration of many bands for it on some site a while ago. As for me, I'm using a Marshall amp hooked with 2 distortion pedals - Boss Heavy Metal and Boss Metal Zone, in addition to my Pandora PX3. Great sound!
Hi, Just this morning I purchased a v-amp pro, and I was wondering how the guys from Dark tranquillity connect the v-amp to the peavy 5150 heads (I sue a randall RH200)? do they connect to the fx loop and use the amp distortion? or go through the amp guitar input and keep the amp on a clean channel while using the v-amp for distorcion?

plus... what footpedal do they use? I am thinking of getting the FCB1010.

Hi, Just this morning I purchased a v-amp pro, and I was wondering how the guys from Dark tranquillity connect the v-amp to the peavy 5150 heads (I sue a randall RH200)? do they connect to the fx loop and use the amp distortion? or go through the amp guitar input and keep the amp on a clean channel while using the v-amp for distorcion?

plus... what footpedal do they use? I am thinking of getting the FCB1010.


Just plug the V-amp to the Effects return socket on the Randall. No amp distortion is used.

We don't use foot pedals. The reason for using V-amps live in the first place is that we use MIDI triggers from the drum computer to automatically change the sound presets in the V-amps, so therefore we don't need to do it manually.
Thanks man! and congrats on the new album! its awesome, I hope you can come back to spain this year. (last year I saw you in metalway zaragoza). Keep up the good work!
Just plug the V-amp to the Effects return socket on the Randall. No amp distortion is used.

We don't use foot pedals. The reason for using V-amps live in the first place is that we use MIDI triggers from the drum computer to automatically change the sound presets in the V-amps, so therefore we don't need to do it manually.

That is the best thing that ever happened to guitar players. Stepping into pedals is the best way to get a guitar player distracted and f*ck up the hole song. I still can´t understand how David Gilmour doesn´t get jammed with all those pedals he uses... apart from the fact that he is god :p .

I only use 2 pedals, one for channel switching and another one for rhythm/lead switch... and I have to admit that I´ve jammed myself with only those two pedals... several times :lol: