V for Vendetta

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Ok, I am back, and happy to find out that many of you understand what I am saying, and believe in the mystic behind Symphony X. For those who don't believe, it will take you more time, but you will exit the Sea of Lies soon enough. And I will leave those non-belivers with even more proof.

The song Fallen has more similarities than the rest combined. Just read the lyrics and you will see.

Fallen:" Tempted by the ancient magic, the Power of Five, My desire to mirror my own image..." -Speaks of a hero trying to stop the dark side. Just like in V for Vendetta. It is almost like this song was written for the movie.

The power of five (v), how many members in Symphony X, 5. This is also the only, yes only, Symphony X song that all five members have written together. Out of every song they have wrote, Fallen is the only one that includes credit to all five current members of the band. Yes my data is accurate, I have spent many hours researching these phenomenon. This proves without a doubt that the whole band of Symphony X is behind something.

Fallen, V for Vendetta was about government and how it is falling to the evil, dark side. The lyrics to the song say it all.
I'm not one to talk, being an avid gamer and all.... But for your own good you really should start spending less time on really vague conspiracies and more time on something constructive, like writing some songs or working or something.... Anything to clear your head.
Lol, I'm a n00b SX fan? So, I can play most of their songs (save the solos, MJR is a god), I could sing any SX lyric a capella, even riffs a capella :D, I know every word to every SX song and I own every album except Prelude to the Millenium... But because I ignore making similarities between SX songs and recent movies, in this case a movie I haven't seen, it makes me a n00b SX fan? As of now, I'll start caring about your opinion when you start making sense.
U can talk all day about what u own or know, because we all are musicians, that is the reason why we got into Symphony X. On the matters of whether what u said was true no one will know, because I don't know you in real life, neither does anyone else at this forum.

All of my posts are a joke anyways, and nobody gets them. They think I am serious about all of these pointless conspiracies. I didn't even see V for Vendetta, my friend did. I just decided to post something funny, its better than reading all the other pointless crap on this forum, like Dream Theater.
Lol, I'm a n00b SX fan? So, I can play most of their songs (save the solos, MJR is a god), I could sing any SX lyric a capella, even riffs a capella , I know every word to every SX song and I own every album except Prelude to the Millenium... But because I ignore making similarities between SX songs and recent movies, in this case a movie I haven't seen, it makes me a n00b SX fan? As of now, I'll start caring about your opinion when you start making sense.

You may know alot about SX, but until you realize the conspiries your will still be classified as a noob fan. I have only been listening to SX for like 6 months and even I can see the truth.

I dont wanna take sides here, but if I did, I'd take Jax's side, which hasn't come 'round yet, and I'd say "Shut the hell up!!" But, I'm too lazy, so yeah.

I love how he spelled n00b wrong. Hehe....
you guys are a bunch of gaming losers. pwned, whatever. There is a band called the Knoobs at my school, and that is why I spell it knoob and not noob. yes I am in high school and I just owned you guys up.
Yeah. And for the record, I'm not trying to fight. I'm just trying to let people know what I'm thinking and hope it does something for the conversation.
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