What Symphony X Album....


...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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What Symphony X album should I get next?
I have V and really like Rediscovery pt II and The Communion and the Oracle. GIve me some info guys! Thanks :D
I'll concur with the Divine Wings recommendation..then pick up either Twilight in Olympus, or The Damnation Game..the s/t has a different singer & is awesome music but is missing that Russ magic, & the live cd is killer anytime! :grin:
hehehe the s/t makes me laugh sometimes, when the singer tried to hit high notes, and just couldnt, sometime spainful to listen to, hehe. And you cant beat the line "I dont know why my heart keeps callin, but I rrrrealy..sumthin sumthin" lol the guy butchers that line makes it sound like a childrens nursery ryhme. :lol: