^<V Game

^ Yeah, at least I took the Charmin part seriously... One day I'll go to the states just to try it.
> I twist and turn and throw into the air some pen, pencil, paper, wireless pcmcia card or anything that i find on my desk when I'm using the computer. I can't resist playing with some stupid stuff in front of the computer, it's like an obsession. Oh.
V Which one of the below you think is not an Arabic country?
a) Afghanistan
b) Iran
c) Turkey
d) None of the above are Arabic
e) They're all Arabs, aren't they?
f) Israel
g) Type O Negative
^ ok so let's use SAT elimination technique
Afghanistan is a US colony so they're not arabs,Iran are Persians not Arabs...their alphabet is latin.
Turkey have latin alphabet and they're nordic so they can't be arabs.
Israel has 20% arab population but Israel is declared as a Jewish State.
Type O negative is a bloodtype and a Metal band with a blue flag with a green nordic cross so they're not arabs...so I guess the answer is D none of the above.:grin: (yay for distorting the truth)
< Yesterday I had a dream I was beating Mahmud Ahmedinajad with a baseball bat.
V Did you ever like Emo and if so when?(be honest)
^ I can honestly say that I never liked emo. I did used to like (c)rap when I was like 11 and I used to like nu-metal when I was 13 and even part of 14, but I would rather be tortured to death before listening to any of that shit. Although I always hated Korn, Limp Bizshit, Poop Roach and Shitknot.

< If I was Al Bundy, I would sleep with Peg all the time and I would sell Marcy to KFC (anyone who watches the show should get that).

V What would you rather do, get tortured (but not raped) by some violent terrorist militia in the middle of Vietnam or give a reach around to Rosie O'Donnel?
^ What is emo anyway?
< I definitely spend too much time in front of this screen...
v Should I watch a dvd tonight or go to the cinema?
^ I don't know what's playing in the cinemas, so I would say get a DVD.

< Emo are those annoying, whiny kids who complain about everything and are so deep inside the closet, they are finding old Christmas gifts. Bands like Fallout Boy, Hawthorn Hights, Afi etc are all emo. The males(?) wear girl clothes, black nail polish, have their greasy hair cover most of their face, usually reek (I was at a show where some emo band opened, and at first there were some emo kids standing next to me, I had to go somewhere else since I felt like vomiting from those nasty odors being omited by those emo kids) etc etc etc. I will start an anti-emo topic so I can go into further detail of how gay they are.

V Did you know that there are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time. Reason: under Guam law, it is expressly forbidden for virgins to marry. (Let's just think for a minute; is there any job anywhere else in the world that even comes close to this?)?

By the way UnConscious, if they don't sell Charmin in your country, don't try it. You will not be able to use anything else after trying it. It is that amazing (this is one of the times I am being serious)!
^You learn something new everyday...
< I might actually go and see "Pirates of the Carribean 2" tonight...
v Anybody seen it? Is it as good as the first one?
^Haven't seen it...not planning to either...even though that kiera nightly is really hot(and quite fit)
<back to the defloration thingy...in case you don't know...sex with a virgin girl is kind of unpleasent and painful for the girl...it can also be traumatic for some girls if the guy makes some basic mistakes...in any way the guy always leaves with a bloody dick...messy business.
V does anyone know why on earth can't a virgin marry in guam? and who's the authority to check the girl if she's lying?
^ I think there is probably a way to check by her naughty place, although masturbation could increase the size as well. I just found that on a site about useless sex facts.

< I doubt virgins could be that bad. But if it is though, I think I just crossed deflowering a virgin off my to do list (no pun intended).

V What would you rather go through, giving oral to Ms. Crabtree from South Park
or die a slow, painfull death?
^ Right, I'll answer my own question then..."Pirates ...2" is nowhere near as good as the first one. Johnny Depp is a pleasure to watch, as always, but his role is naturally limited. I sense a third part coming here (attention, spoiler!): *Captain* Jack Sparrow will survive inside the "belly of the beast (=octopus)" - ah, I need to listen to "Persistence of time" again - just like Jonas survived inside the whale...
< My fave song of "Persistence of time" is in fact "Got the time", the Joe Jackson cover...cool bass intro...
v Belladonna or Bush?
^ Bush. I'm not a big Anthrax fan and I like Armored Saint a lot more. Plus, I don't even like Belladona that much.

< I think Neil Turbin was the best Anthrax vocalist. He was a vocal powerhouse.

V Would you rather bang her..

or her

^ Her
< The last concert I've been to is Blind Guardian. The first was them, too (about 4 years ago I think) I think I lost my interest in their music in these 4 years. (Skalds and Shadows was nice, though)
V What's the last concert you've been to?
^ It's been way too long since I've been to any concerts.

< It was Grey Skies Fallen, a doom band sort of like My Dying Bride or Anathema, on 6/6/06. They were great and the death metal band after them were good too. All the other bands sucked badly.

V Which show is funnier, Cow And Chicken or I M Weasel?
^ Super Cow MOOOOO
<I was such a cartoon fanatic once...Now it's just Southpark and Family Guy
V have you ever notice that the show "Boston Legal" is a sci-fi convention?
we have William Shatner(cpt. Kirk),Rene Auberjonois(Odo from deep space 9) and James Spader(Daniel from the Stargate movie)
also did you notice that everyone on HBO's "OZ" later appeared in one of the Law and Order shows(just too many of them).
here's my question...Do you think there's a hollywood conspiracy?
^ Who knows. Holleywood is an evil place though. Although I do enhoy surgically altered hooters very much.:)

< Not only is it Super Cow Mooooo, it's Super Cow a la rescate and a bunch of other stuff in fluent Spanish.


Sexy huh?:lol:

V Do you ever play the Silent Hill games?

By the way Paradoxile, I thought you were going to Wacken this year. What happened?
I never said I was going to Wacken
I just said what these festivals are like

I don't have enough money to go to turkey to see a show...not to mention flying to germany. besides I'm not much of a festivals guy...I'm more like a mini festival guy in which there's like 3-4 bands one after another and then just go home
Ohh, I thought you were going. I guess I'm not the only one that isn't into that whole experience. Although I doubt you're as vein about the bathrooms as I am.
after using public toilets in the army for 3 years and cleaning after other people every once in a while and opening clogged toilets...I'm not too picky.it isn't festivals toilets but it's still disgusting