V Rocks (or, found my copy of V)


King of Ithaca
Sep 12, 2002
Sebastopol, CA
I finally found my copy of V. It was hiding under my dresser! Anyways...I hand't heard it for a few months. So I popped it into my player and was absolutely astounded! I can't beleive I had forgotten how great the album is!

Just wanted to share that with you.

Anybody else feel that way?

Evolution (The Grand Design) 5:20 Symphony X V - The New Mythology Suite
I think that V is an absolutely genius album, the whole thing is fantastic. Egypt, communion and the oracle, fallen! God, this album rocks just as much as The Odyssey and i mean it! It`s maybe my best album!? Anyway i can`t say enough to praise this album. It`s an memorial cd!!!!! :headbang:
Oh yes. I feel the same way about V whenever I listen to it too..
Which is like "Everyday":D I have 5 of my SymX cd's in the changer so thats what I hear everyday..:headbang:
V and Divine Wings of Tragedy are my favorities. It depends on a day which one I consider better.


"Must we have the other side, just to feel alive?"
- King Diamond "Just A Shadow"
There is nothing in this world like "V". I think it is so innovative....the work of musical genius! The Masters would be proud. :) If you get away from it even for a couple of weeks, it comes back fresh as ever.
Man, I could go on and on and on......I blew out a good set of car speakers on this CD! :headbang: (It was worth it, just got a better set!)

I want to see them live again..I'm going thru withdrawal.
Exactly the same here. My friend lent me V. I went out and bought it the same day. As it's their first album that I heard, it is more special to me, but all of the others are classics in their own right too. Even though they are similar, the styles vary from album to album, so you get a different listening experience every time. V got me hooked.
I definitely like it more now than I ever did. And whoever said that they have 5 SX CDs in their changer, so do I! I'm going through withdrawal as well. I just put 'em on shuffle and let it rip. As for the kind of songwriting I'd like to see them harken back to(unless it's something new again), give me the songwriting of "The Damnation Game", the progressiveness of "Twilight In Olympus", and the aggressiveness of "The Odyssey". Okay? :cool:
I got a free CD sampler of V years ago when it first came out. Unbelievably, I really didn't like it at all. So I listened to it about 3 times trying to make myself like it and I finally just put it away. It got lost in my CD collection when I moved from NY to PA, so I hadn't seen it for years. When I heard SyX was coming to this area (well, Cleveland) I decided I should give it another try. I found my copy and started listening to it again and was like "How in the hell did I not like this album?!!!" It's awesome! The problem is, I've lost it again. My wife accidentally slipped the CD into a crack in the dashboard of our car (there's like a space between the stereo section and the little compartment below it) so now I have to take the dashboard apart to get it out. There are like 4 other CD's in there too that she misplaced. Anyway, I have to get it out of there because I'm really itching to hear it again! I was so psyched when I got "The Odyssey" and then pulled out "V" because it was like getting 2 brand new albums from SyX at the same time!