Vacation - Who's going where?

I suddenly had an image Gene Simmons in full make-up and platform boots lost in the NE woods...Oy vey!

I love to camp. It doesn't cost and arm and a leg either. We've rented a cabin for later in the summer, tough, cause the one thing that does get tough with kids is getting enough water together for baths or showers. Kids get filthy very quickly, which is OK when they're babies and can bathe in a bucket, but now that arachnaphobia and the fear of every other bug has set in, it's best to be someplace where there's running water and a reasonably bug free bathroom if you're staying for more than two nights. I'd like to know how my kids, who used to get a thrill from having one spider hanging off a web on each finger, suddenly became sissies when i comes to bugs. Well, actually, I'd mostly like to know how to make them stop shrieking at the sight of bugs...
I'd like to know how my kids, who used to get a thrill from having one spider hanging off a web on each finger, suddenly became sissies when i comes to bugs. Well, actually, I'd mostly like to know how to make them stop shrieking at the sight of bugs...

:lol: your kids are right! bugs are horrible! you should have seen me when I was eleven years old, a summer that I went on holidays to the little village where my mother was born, running and shrieking desperately because I saw a monstruous bumblebee, black, with big feelers, that was flying and flying around me and when I saw him, I began to run and he began to chase me, flying behind me, and when I looked backwards he was still there, moving its horrible feelers... :zombie:! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
make time and save aside some money, that's the only advise I can give you, remember you live once and going to some places when you are older is not going to be the same, in states people often say "I will travel when I retire" something I never understood, first you don't even know if you're going to make it to your retirement or what the situation might be then not too mention that doing hiking, headbanging in Wacken or staying at hostels at 65 would be a bit strange if even desirable anymore, anyway, I'm off camping this weekned, later

T, thanks for the pointers, I know it's all about compromises and having a chilld should not really make "much" of a difference ;)

Yeah but since I just started my second job and don't have set shifts yet it's hard to tell how much I'll be earning. And with my studies too there's so much stress with exams and shit.

But after my course has finished (which is end of next year) I'm definately looking forward to going to Europe. Specifically Sweden, Norway and Hungary.

And even Germany (in October of course :kickass:) and Ireland.
We will hit the beach and what not. When my son graduates two years from now I hope to move back to Europe and do some real traveling. I have tried to take him to all the history America has to offer which isn't much considering the age of the country. I really should try to hit South America while it is still close.