vader/goatwhore setlists anyone?

Jaded said:
anyone catch either of these on the tour so far?

Ya i'm wonderin the same thing but I'm just hopin Vader do Xeper that is just one great fuckin song love the guitars in it dude. I've been wondering though is prenounced Zee-per or is is Keffer. the X confuses me. anyway i'm sure it's in there set and I take leave with this final note

(i have no idea what the hell he's sayin there that's what it sounds like to me but that part kiks ass in Xeper)
i saw that tour, but im not familiar enough with either band to know the whole setlist. i only own litany, and i know they played about 3 songs off that though..

: Hall Of Saurian Entombment, Execration Text, Kheftiu Asar Buchiu, Sarcophagus, Howling Of The Jinn, Unas, Slayer Of The Gods, Die Rache Krieg Lied Der, Assyriche, The Blessed Dead, Black Seeds Of Vengeance

KREATOR: Violent Revolution - 1st song, Reconquering The Throne, Pleasure To Kill, Extreme Aggression, People Of The Lie, Renewal, Phobia, Servant In Heaven....., All Of The Same Blood, King In Hell, Betrayer - closer

VADER: Sothis, Vicious Circle, Wings, Xeper, Crucified Ones, Epitaph, Litany, Raining Blood as closer(SLAYER cover)

AMON AMARTH: 1. Death in Fire, 2. Last with Pagan blood, 3. For the Stabwounds in our backs, 4. Where Silent Gods Stand Guard, 5. Masters of War, 6. Versus the World

GOATWHORE: Heaven Inferno, Nocturnal Holocaust, Desolate Path to Apocolyptic Ruin, Graveyards and Dead Angels
Brainkisser said:

: Hall Of Saurian Entombment, Execration Text, Kheftiu Asar Buchiu, Sarcophagus, Howling Of The Jinn, Unas, Slayer Of The Gods, Die Rache Krieg Lied Der, Assyriche, The Blessed Dead, Black Seeds Of Vengeance

KREATOR: Violent Revolution - 1st song, Reconquering The Throne, Pleasure To Kill, Extreme Aggression, People Of The Lie, Renewal, Phobia, Servant In Heaven....., All Of The Same Blood, King In Hell, Betrayer - closer

VADER: Sothis, Vicious Circle, Wings, Xeper, Crucified Ones, Epitaph, Litany, Raining Blood as closer(SLAYER cover)

AMON AMARTH: 1. Death in Fire, 2. Last with Pagan blood, 3. For the Stabwounds in our backs, 4. Where Silent Gods Stand Guard, 5. Masters of War, 6. Versus the World

GOATWHORE: Heaven Inferno, Nocturnal Holocaust, Desolate Path to Apocolyptic Ruin, Graveyards and Dead Angels

Sounds like an amazing show! I must go. That's it, I'm buying my ticket! \m/
still can't believe Amon is doin vs the world as the closer instead of all the other great songs as a 1000 years, Bloodshed, or Down the Slopes. (i know Victorious March and others are not listed but I so wanna see 1000 years live someday.

Fuckin killer that Vader's doin Xeper, hell yeah

WTF though Kreator ain't startin with Patriarch? or does 1st Song mean Patriarch goes right into Violent Revolution. oh well gonna be a great show
Johan said it was because of time restraints that they did certain songs rather than, say, the longer 1000 years. It has to fit in the 1/2 hour time frame.
Tyra said:
Johan said it was because of time restraints that they did certain songs rather than, say, the longer 1000 years. It has to fit in the 1/2 hour time frame.

I c oh well just hope they get funding to do another US headlining tour (no matter what Tomasz says) one day. If I see him at eh concert would be ok if I asked him if he'd like to do another US headliner or Co-Headliner so they can play more or does he get asked that too much? Anyways thanks for clearin that up Tyra.
I know for a fact that he reads this forum, 'cause he harrasses me back about harrassing him here.... I don't think he minds much when the fans approach him after the gigs etc, though.