

Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
Anybody here into this band? Awesome powerful female vocals in the vein of Chastain and Warlock. The music reminds me of Jag Panzer. I recently received this CD as a birthday present, and the giftgiver knows who he is. Thanks again, BTW! Favorite tracks on the album? This is full-on, ass-kicking, no-holds-barred power freakin' metal! Album rating: 9.5/10
hey man,

yeah my favorite tracks are probably 'The Only Way I Know', 'Vainglory', and 'Blackened Soul'... although ALL of them are great rocking metal tunes! Good stuff to drive down the highway to. Glad you like it.

hey man,

yeah my favorite tracks are probably 'The Only Way I Know', 'Vainglory', and 'Blackened Soul'... although ALL of them are great rocking metal tunes! Good stuff to drive down the highway to. Glad you like it.

Right on, man!:kickass: Any shot of getting them to play at The Local in 2008?
I posted a link and a thread for this band about two weeks ago, because I've recently bought their debut. It's pretty good, but some improvements can be made for sure. For starters, Kate's voice should be brought to the forefront a little more on the next release. She's buried by the instruments too much. I'd like to hear some more melody on their next release and for them not to focus so much on being heavy. Overall, I like the disc, but not as much as I thought I would when I heard the Nightmare Sampler track.

I posted a link and a thread for this band about two weeks ago, because I've recently bought their debut. It's pretty good, but some improvements can be made for sure. For starters, Kate's voice should be brought to the forefront a little more on the next release. She's buried by the instruments too much. I'd like to hear some more melody on their next release and for them not to focus so much on being heavy. Overall, I like the disc, but not as much as I thought I would when I heard the Nightmare Sampler track.

Agreed on the points about her voice in the mix and evening the music out a bit more.:headbang:
Overall, though, this is a very good CD.:kickass:
I posted a link and a thread for this band about two weeks ago, because I've recently bought their debut. It's pretty good, but some improvements can be made for sure. For starters, Kate's voice should be brought to the forefront a little more on the next release. She's buried by the instruments too much. I'd like to hear some more melody on their next release and for them not to focus so much on being heavy. Overall, I like the disc, but not as much as I thought I would when I heard the Nightmare Sampler track.

For a minute there I thought my post had been deleted, then I realized that there was already a thread about Vainglory on the PP forum not very long ago and that was the thread I had commented on. Here's the link in case you want to check out the opinions on that thread as well. There's also a pretty cool video on that thread.

My response (copied from that thread):
I believe she [Kate French] also sang for a band called Chastain. (Who's album I have not had either the time, opportunity or funds to purchase ... yet.)

Vainglory was also the co-headliner for Flight of the Valkyries in 2007. They were a great addition to the bill. Kate is a great front-woman and really worked the crowd. I thoroughly enjoyed their performance and they probably had one of, if not the best, crowd reaction of the event. Their bassist (Chris, I think) is also cool as shit. Nick and I talked to him quite a bit back at the hotel. :headbang: