Valvestate 8100's

I used one for a long time. I was into it because of the Death tie-in, and it was obviously good for that sort of tone. They have plenty of gain, and they stay pretty smooth and tight sounding even when cranked to hell. At least mine did. They're not nearly as loud as a tube Marshall in my experience either.

I agree that they sound way better than the more recent Marshall SS / hybrid amps.
Really? How do they compare or what makes the VS's better?


Valvestates give you a tubey vibe, AVTs not that much, avts aren´t that smooth and full sounding.

En general, el sonido del valvestate, es como decirte, mas rico y real, el de los otros es como mas seco y esteril, no tan interesante, fue una mala movida de marshall.
Yeah, the AVTS are just SHIT amps, period.
If you play any style of metal, they are just unusable IMO.
I'd rather use an original Line 6 POD than an AVT, seriously.
Valvestates give you a tubey vibe, AVTs not that much, avts aren´t that smooth and full sounding.

En general, el sonido del valvestate, es como decirte, mas rico y real, el de los otros es como mas seco y esteril, no tan interesante, fue una mala movida de marshall.
Nunca he probado un valvestate... suenan interesantes... y es más ó menos fácil encontrarlos usados bastante baratos, no? Hmm....

El guitarrista de mi primera banda tenía un AVT y no me parecía tan malo en ese entonces, pero ya tiene mucho tiempo que no lo escucho, entonces no me acuerdo bien cómo sonaba.

Yeah, the AVTS are just SHIT amps, period.
If you play any style of metal, they are just unusable IMO.
I'd rather use an original Line 6 POD than an AVT, seriously.
I didn't really think it was shit when I tried it, but that was quite a bit ago, when I was a bit of a n00b. They were/are pretty expensive for what they really are, tho.