Vanden Plas Cancels - Freak Kitchen gets extended set!

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
As some of you may or may, not know, Vanden Plas has had to cancel due to
immigration issues. Truly sounds like a real shitty situation. As a result, Freak Kitchen gets an extended set. Could we be on the verge of a 3 hour Freak Kitchen set???! :headbang: Will post more when it's over....
Tough break for VP. Hopefully they are able to make it back within the next few years.

Freak Kitchen came through big time. What an amazing set. Not to mention the comedy stylings of Matthias...
I'm actually contributing to a book that was/is being written about FK. Which reminds me, I have to check on that. Whether or not it gets used, is up to the author....

See Dub drink. Drink dub drink. :lol:

Absence due to Prog Power, and some other stuff going on.... Pile it on Boyeeeeeeeeeee! :lol:
I sincerely hope you make it!
It is THE best fest in the country, and has the coolest bunch of attendees as well. I already have my room booked for next year. Hope to see you there!:kickass::headbang:
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about (possibly) going. The only real issue will be making it happen with my school schedule (or work, depending on how an audition goes next month). I don't want to get my hopes up TOO much just yet though.
Will do. I uploaded an asston of pics and vid captures from the hotel acoustic performance (which I shot strictly for documenting IA's B-Day) to the HTML Dude, we'll see if any of it gets used in blogs or on the site. I'm picking up my 35mm shot stuff from the show itself tomorrow. If they turned out well enough, I'll post some stuff tomorrow, time permitting. Lately there just aren't enough hours in a day.....
Threw some pics up on the Cap forum. Here's everything I've posted so far: