Vanden Plas will not perform at the Showcase

As you may have noticed on the main page, Vanden Plas will not be able to perform tonight. Please understand this situation did not arise until last night. The band and Shane have done everything possible to make it happen, but we are not optimistic....

...Once again, this is not the time for negative posts about Shane or Vanden Plas. Life gets in the way sometimes and shit happens.


Anyone who knows Shane (the Nicest Man in Metal) knows he busts ass and gives his all for PPUSA. It's not possible to post anything negative about Shane, or criticize him in any way. He has earned my respect and will get it, no matter what caused Vanden Plas to pull out tonight.


FarOffGrace said:
Small Update before the Official Press Release comes out.
I have spoken to Stephan and can assure everyone that the band is OK. I can also assure the fans out there this is not their fault so if you came from a long distance and left dissapointed please dont blame the band. They are truly upset over these events and wanted to play in the States more then you can imagine.
Please check back for the official press release.
Word from the venue is that Halcyon Way is joining the line-up, going on first at about 6 or 6:15pm, followed by Krucible, then Cellador, and a bit of an extended set by Freak Kitchen. That's the scehdule "reported back" by a pal who's already made it down to CenterStage.

I know Glenn and Shane are busy running around and wouldn't get a chance to update the board.
Word from the venue is that Halcyon Way is joining the line-up, going on first at about 6 or 6:15pm...

Yes, that is fact. Halcyon Way - being local and readily available - has taken the opening slot at the request of Shane during this trying time. Kudos to Shane for doing everything within his power overnight to ensure that Vanden Plas would make it here for their scheduled performance. I was looking forward to it just as much as anyone else (since I missed PPUSA IV). But as it's already been said - sometimes shit happens that you just cannot control.

So for those who were planning to show up early to catch Krucible, please come on down to support Halcyon Way. I assure you that you will be entertained! And if you don't know who they are, by the end of their set you will. :cool:

That's depressing. I'm not attending this year for various reasons, but VP was one of the bands I would've been pretty thoroughly excited to see, especially after the wonderful CHRIST-O record. Anyhow, hope all you crazy cats have a good time. Shame about that beer embargo...

Dear Fans and people who wanted to see us play at PP 2007!

We feel deeply sorry about what happened and that we couldn't make it this year.
Unfortunatelay we couldn't pass the immigration control when we arrived in Detroit on Wednesday October 3rd.
The immigration service told us that we had the wrong papers. We don't understand the problem because we did it in the regular way.
They were sending us back home after six hours of questioning. We had no chance to go to Atlanta.
Now that we're back home after 40 hours of non-stop travel we are sad and empty to face this disappointing situation.
We've been really looking forward to PP VIII for such a long time.
Nevertheless we whish you a great festival in our absence with all the other great bands.

Vanden Plas

They were right here less than 20-30 miles from me!! :waah:
Ugh, this really blows. VP was the main reason I'm in Atlanta right now for the Showcase. Yep, I check in to the hotel, call my buddy who will be here tomorrow, and he tells me VP is a no go. Bummer. I didn't even think to check in on the forum before leaving this morning, I probably would have made the trip tomorrow. What can you do, can't fight city hall I guess.
Life gets in the way sometimes and shit happens.

Oh so true. Unfortunately I'm unable to make it myself. I took over as a sponsor for Redemption for a friend who couldn't make it and I can't tell you how disappointed I am that neither he nor I can be there. I am not a power metal fan but this is I think the best line-up overall for me. To miss Redemption doing Sapphire as well as missing Freak Kitchen, Communic, After Forever, and Threshold is crushing. Hopefully the rest of the fest goes well for all bands and everyone attending. Hang in there Glenn and Shane.
I know a couple of vatos they could have talked to for ways to get by immigration...

Unfortunately those ways happen to be illegal.

The story of life, do it the bad way and you get by. Do it the right way and you get screwed. As bad as I feel for the people who are VP fans and are in ATL now, this makes me feel even better about not making it this year. I would be extremely pissed if they weren't playing, but such is life in George W. Bush's world of 2007.:mad:
I hope Glenn extends a invitation for Vanden Plas for next years PPUSA and maybe just maybe they can have all that Immigration crap fixed(shame on Immigration for being so stupid)
What a disgrace! I feel horrible for everyone involved. For the US Government to do that to Vanden Plas was beyond stupid. It is not like they tried to sneak in the country. It is so outrageous that here are a bunch of guys, being sponsored by an American promoter, trying to make a living by entertaining us. When they come to America, they are told to go home. However, if a goddamned caveman from the jungles of Guatemala, who offer nothing except an outstretched palm, will get the Red Carpet treatment from the United States. It's a disgrace.

However, I am happy that a deserving UNSIGNED act will get a chance to play at the showcase. I have long felt that should be the Showcase's purpose, to introduce the stars of tomorrow. It is a good thing that Halcyon Way will get that chance. Kudos to Shane and Glenn for making this happen.

Ray C.

PS: Enjoy the festival. I got turned down for the days off.
What a disgrace! I feel horrible for everyone involved. For the US Government to do that to Vanden Plas was beyond stupid. It is not like they tried to sneak in the country.

I live in the boondocks of southern Arizona, and I see evidence (discarded blankets, nutrition bar wrappers and empty water bottles) all over the desert of people "sneaking" into this country. It's a fucking disgrace that this goes on while Vanden Plas gets a "return to sender" label stuck on them for not having proper paperwork.

My country's government is so beyond fucked up...I try not to think about it for the sake of my sanity and (relative) freedom. But shit like this really pisses me off (a rare occasion as I'm generally a laid-back kinda guy). :heh:
What a disgrace! I feel horrible for everyone involved. For the US Government to do that to Vanden Plas was beyond stupid. It is not like they tried to sneak in the country. It is so outrageous that here are a bunch of guys, being sponsored by an American promoter, trying to make a living by entertaining us. When they come to America, they are told to go home. However, if a goddamned caveman from the jungles of Guatemala, who offer nothing except an outstretched palm, will get the Red Carpet treatment from the United States. It's a disgrace.

However, I am happy that a deserving UNSIGNED act will get a chance to play at the showcase. I have long felt that should be the Showcase's purpose, to introduce the stars of tomorrow. It is a good thing that Halcyon Way will get that chance. Kudos to Shane and Glenn for making this happen.

Ray C.

PS: Enjoy the festival. I got turned down for the days off.

Wow, I am not from Guatemala and even I am offended by this. What a stupid thing to say, I get it, you are upset cause your favorite band or whatever couldnt make it, blame it on the fucking government, VOTE against these idiots, dont blame it on some "caveman" from guatemala like you said. Did you know they have electricity down there, and cable, they dont all live in huts you know?

Shit, I'm all against people coming into the country illegally and all that but saying stupid things like "caveman" is too much and just makes you look like a racist asshat.
However, if a goddamned caveman from the jungles of Guatemala, who offer nothing except an outstretched palm, will get the Red Carpet treatment from the United States. It's a disgrace.

They even get their own sitcom. :goggly:

My apologies if people were offended. I should have added "Sneaked across the border illegally." But, I think most understood what I meant. If you're an illegal, you get health care, welfare, and anything else you can imagine. If you do it the right way, like Vanden Plas, you get the boot.
I hope Glenn extends a invitation for Vanden Plas for next years PPUSA and maybe just maybe they can have all that Immigration crap fixed(shame on Immigration for being so stupid)

I am not sure that it will happen. They might have something on their record saying that they tried to come over with wrong type of visas. At least they did have some kind of visas. If the Govt thinks that they tried to come over illegally then they might have a mark on their record and can not come back for 7 years.

I hope they can come back. Great band.
My apologies if people were offended. I should have added "Sneaked across the border illegally." But, I think most understood what I meant. If you're an illegal, you get health care, welfare, and anything else you can imagine. If you do it the right way, like Vanden Plas, you get the boot.

That's not even true, dude, except in the small exception of cases... one of those common misconceptions and urban myths, but that's a topic for another time, another thread, another board.

I guess it's too soon to really know exactly WHAT happened with VP - technically, maybe they were missing some documentation that is required by law or customs for save passage? It's tough to speculate at this time, but as long as they weren't caught importing gerbil DNA or adamantium in chuao beans, then that's a good sign...
