Vanden Plas Status?

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Mar 22, 2002
Long Island, NY
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We know what happened last year. Does anyone on the inside have an idea as to their status? If they all just "happened" to take a trip to the US again, is there any way they'd be able to play? Or based on their antics last year, are they pretty much banned from the US for a few years?
We know what happened last year. Does anyone on the inside have an idea as to their status? If they all just "happened" to take a trip to the US again, is there any way they'd be able to play? Or based on their antics last year, are they pretty much banned from the US for a few years?
Antics? They simply had the wrong papers, or so immigration claims. Shouldn't effect further visits, they'll just have to figure out what paperwork is required. I don't know, but I think it probably had something to do with the level of work status on the visas. That seems to be the usual snag.
Antics? They simply had the wrong papers, or so immigration claims. Shouldn't effect further visits, they'll just have to figure out what paperwork is required. I don't know, but I think it probably had something to do with the level of work status on the visas. That seems to be the usual snag.

Ya the damn usual snag...

I'm predicting a big year for European bands to be touring in the US because the dollar is absolutely failing at this time.

If only Therion put off their 2005 US tour until 2008 :p
I would also like to know exactly what went on, nobody has been able to confirm or deny the rumor that they were deported and can't return for seven years, as far as I know.
Your the second person I've seen say that in the last two days. (The other was a contact at a European metal webzine.) To a certain degree I find it a good thing, but I don't like the idea that our economy is floundering.

lol yeah, it's good that our economy is turning to shit and people are losing their homes.
lol yeah, it's good that our economy is turning to shit and people are losing their homes.

It's cause and effect. People are losing their homes because they're fucking stupid and bought $500,000 houses when they bring home $80,000 a year. They're fucking stupid because they let themselves be duped into it, and banks are fuckers who goaded them into doing it. So you have both corporation and public stupidity to blame. But don't worry, Big Daddy Government is coming to bail out his kids!

Anyway, why would a band want to tour here if the US dollar is falling? Certianly things here will be cheaper, but wouldn't they rake in less from US sales on the conversion rate?
It's cause and effect. People are losing their homes because they're fucking stupid and bought $500,000 houses when they bring home $80,000 a year. They're fucking stupid because they let themselves be duped into it, and banks are fuckers who goaded them into doing it. So you have both corporation and public stupidity to blame. But don't worry, Big Daddy Government is coming to bail out his kids!
Have to chime in on this aside from the topic, but I couldn't agree more! I live in Jersey where the housing prices are astronomical, yet I live in a small cape-style house in a more than modest town and live quite well. Lately all we hear is how the government of NJ is going to restructure to reduce everyone's property tax burden. This irritates the SHIT out of me! My taxes are reasonable and doable because my husband and I bought a house we can AFFORD!! I don't like my taxes allocated to help out the plethora of people that bought beyond their means. Fuck em!!! Sell it and scale down! grrrr.

Ok, enough OT, but I also saw a statistic on the news about how the immigration pricks have lost over 9 bill. in dollars to our economy last year by their over active practices. You may have only heard about metal bands coming over, but this practice has hurt many people from many areas of business. It's terrible. This has nothing to do with national security or the illegal immigrants. We need to reign in this agency and allow people with legitamate desires to do business with us to have that opportunity.
Have to chime in on this aside from the topic, but I couldn't agree more! I live in Jersey where the housing prices are astronomical, yet I live in a small cape-style house in a more than modest town and live quite well. Lately all we hear is how the government of NJ is going to restructure to reduce everyone's property tax burden. This irritates the SHIT out of me! My taxes are reasonable and doable because my husband and I bought a house we can AFFORD!! I don't like my taxes allocated to help out the plethora of people that bought beyond their means. Fuck em!!! Sell it and scale down! grrrr.

Couldn't agree more... I bought well within my means, and I work really hard to afford the house I just bought (in November), so it irks me to NO end to see people get bailed out on MY DIME for THEIR stupidity and/or greed. Like you said, fuck 'em! It's about goddamn time that there were consequences for people's actions, especially stupid actions!!


I'd say there's some cause for concern regarding their status when those who know have chosen not to address this question. It would be fairly simple to end the speculation as well as the anxiety of some by making a statement one way or the other. On the other hand not knowing could be used to increase the suprise factor if they're announced later.

I also have to jump on the dumbass borrower bandwagon. Especially since for the last seven years they've had the opportunity to refinace at dirt cheap intrest rates and low or no closing costs. It's not like Ditech et al have keep 5% fixed a secret.

Also, it should be noted that a low dollar value isn't necessarily all bad. Yes it makes it more expensive for Americans abroad, as well as imported goods here at home. However, it brings a lot of foreign capital into the US. Exported US goods also compete better in foreign markets because they're less expensive there.
Also, it should be noted that a low dollar value isn't necessarily all bad. Yes it makes it more expensive for Americans abroad, as well as imported goods here at home. However, it brings a lot of foreign capital into the US. Exported US goods also compete better in foreign markets because they're less expensive there.
Yes, but golly gee, Euro-fest addicts like myself are suffering!!!!! Oh well, guess I'll have something to use my property tax rebate for. :rock:
Actually, you can't even blame the 'greedy mortgage lenders.'

Actually, yes I can. Mortgage brokers have been giving out shitty loans/mortgages, many of them ARMS, that they fucking know damn well people won't every be able to maintain. The mortgage brokers turn quick profits and the fools are left holding their dicks. The lenders are just as much to blame for dealing to the idiots as are drug dealers dealing to the unknowing.
I live in a part of the country that is really economicaly depressed, El Paso, Texas, where the yearly average income is around $14,000 dollars yeah you heard right. Our city and county gov't say that in order to maintain we have to increase taxes. Okay, that is a fact of life, i realize that but damn not every year, and then to re-assess my property value every year so they can get more out of me. I bought my house in 1997 at a price of $100,000 put $30,000 down(i had just returned from Saudi Arabia) got a 8.25% fixed rate loan. and my payments were including taxes, insureance and principle and intrest $867. Fast forward to 2003, we refinanced at 4.15% payment was $607 all inclusive, from Jan 2006 up until Oct 2007, the payment had gone up to $802 due to revaluation of my home, now valued at $210,000. Luckily we paid it off in Oct, so now all we pay is insurance($78 a month) and taxes ($4896 a year). I consider myself lucky to be able to afford to pay off my home, and be able to support my family, but there are others in this city who are losing their homes because of stupid ARM mortages and the ever increasing property taxes. In the years since i bought this house i have seen my appraisement go up at least 20% a year, while my salary only goes up 4.4% or less a year. I am retiring this year, and my better half will be the bread winner, we will make it, because I think we have a good financial plan, and I just glad we were able to pay off our home, if we hadn't I would still have to work.

Okay, back on topic, some of the bands i have talked too can't wait to get over here right now with the low currency exchange, because their Euro buys a hell of a lot more here, in fact there are arranged shopping tours by some airlines(Virgin Atlantic), where people come over for 2 or 3 days shopping, just because of the currency rate.
Have to chime in on this aside from the topic, but I couldn't agree more! I live in Jersey where the housing prices are astronomical, yet I live in a small cape-style house in a more than modest town and live quite well. Lately all we hear is how the government of NJ is going to restructure to reduce everyone's property tax burden. This irritates the SHIT out of me! My taxes are reasonable and doable because my husband and I bought a house we can AFFORD!! I don't like my taxes allocated to help out the plethora of people that bought beyond their means. Fuck em!!! Sell it and scale down! grrrr.

Your comments sound a lot like a conversation Mike, Tracie and I had a while back. They tried talking me into a more expensive place when I was making $35K a year. I knew better. I lost my job 3 weeks after I bought this place, and somehow I managed to find a way to make my payments. Where are the breaks for the responsible folks??

Ok, enough OT, but I also saw a statistic on the news about how the immigration pricks have lost over 9 bill. in dollars to our economy last year by their over active practices. You may have only heard about metal bands coming over, but this practice has hurt many people from many areas of business. It's terrible. This has nothing to do with national security or the illegal immigrants. We need to reign in this agency and allow people with legitamate desires to do business with us to have that opportunity.

And I know this all too well. Some asshole told my husband he visits here too much and they might not let him in. He'd been here in September, and then was coming back in June. That's too much?? He explained his wife was American, and they were still suspicious. Must be all the terrorists that come from Sweden. :Smug:

I just hope I get to see VP here again one day, tho it would be good to hear the low-down on what their status is.

Actually, you can't even blame the 'greedy mortgage lenders.'

Sadly, you can blame the U.S. Congress, the Carter Administration, and later, the Clinton Administration: CRA official info; Wikipedia article on the CRA

Bullshit. Sorry, but... :) Anyway, the way banks, etc., push on people buying more than they can afford (after all, they should know, they're the experts) and come up with creative ways to finance without detailing the serious risks involved, CERTAINLY means they share at least part of the blame, as does the current administration (and the rest of the gov't), who has done very little in the way of addressing sub-prime lending practices.

When banks are selling folks who bring home less than $50K annually on the ARMs, rolling in closing costs (stupid!!), and refinancing over and over again, there's a problem. When banks are sending people more credit cards when they're not paying or are over the limit the ones they already have (see Capital One), that's a problem. The industry is taking a long, hard look at themselves now because they're losing money (duh, what do you think happens when you loan to people who don't PAY their BILLS?), but I don't think they're looking hard enough.

So I'll go right on blaming the financial industry and the current clowns in government, thankyouverymuch. :)
They tried talking me into a more expensive place when I was making $35K a year. I knew better. I lost my job 3 weeks after I bought this place, and somehow I managed to find a way to make my payments. Where are the breaks for the responsible folks??

When banks are selling folks who bring home less than $50K annually on the ARMs, rolling in closing costs (stupid!!), and refinancing over and over again, there's a problem. When banks are sending people more credit cards when they're not paying or are over the limit the ones they already have (see Capital One), that's a problem. The industry is taking a long, hard look at themselves now because they're losing money (duh, what do you think happens when you loan to people who don't PAY their BILLS?), but I don't think they're looking hard enough.

So I'll go right on blaming the financial industry and the current clowns in government, thankyouverymuch. :)

Shaye... these two statements seem to be somewhat at odds . I'm certainly not trying to call you on anything, I'm just trying to understand your position on this. Are you putting the consumer at fault, the financial industry, the government, or all three?

Anyway, the way banks, etc., push on people buying more than they can afford (after all, they should know, they're the experts)

Sorry, but now I have to call bullshit. If you are in the market to buy a home, YOU, not the realtor, the bank or anybody else should be the one (the only expert on your financial status) who knows how much you can afford. Sure, the realtors and banks will try to push you into buying more than you can afford, but it is your responsibility to say, "no." Just like buying a car. If you walk into a Bentley dealership and tell them you want to buy one, they are going to do everything in their power to make the deal work. Of course, if you really can't afford one, you shouldn't be looking at them in the first place. Go find a Lexus, or a Toyota, or a Kia (depending on what you can afford).

The real problem, as I understand it, is not people utilizing these "interest only" mortgages. Who reads "interest only mortgage" and thinks, "Yeah. What a great idea!" (the answer is: morons).
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