Van's amazing artwork!!!

CHRIST said:
We've posted Van's artwork for the fold out cover of The Voyeurs Of Utter Destruction As beauty at
I think that he's very talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that doesn't work, try and click on the picture in the "news" section.


all the crosses remind me of the "the poison god machine" shirt. did van do that one? it's not bad, but i don't see what's so special. it's very colorful, i'll grant you that, but it has that kind of 80s ride the lightning style that's outdated. travis smith is where it's at.
Unregistereds said:
it's cheesy is what i meant.
that's not going to win you any points, either...

Personal opinion, it's an awesome bit of work. There's a lot going on. Reminds me a lot of what would happen if Derrick Riggs went post-modern and on a religion bender. Solid covert as far as I'm concerned.

As far as it not being all that -- you do it. I'm not being rude or confrontational about, it...stupid text, even with smilies, doesn't convey the subtlety, here. I've worked with CG and montages, and if it's one thing that is always the stickler, it's continuity. This art's got it. It's very well done. Van's got it going on.

Travis Smith is good, as well, but he's not the only artist out there...
I think its cool, but think it should be just a little more focused. It seems all over the place in themes.

and for the Nevermore cd it would be awesome if Van and Travis Smith worked together on something.