Vaping (e-cigs)


May 9, 2009
E-cigs. Any Sneapster into them?

It's a broad subject, so our Sneap community here could help people make the switch.

I'm liking it so far, at best it hits you better than real cigarettes ever did, and there's even a bit of G.A.S. related to it once you start experimenting with the mods. :lol: Best of all, you can smoke whenever, so I often do it while working on audio if I don't really want to take a break.

I'm still a total newb, I currently own eGo C-Twist 1000mAh and 650mAh's, and been using eGo 2,4ohm clearos that can take 1,6ml of the fluid, but I'm planning to use Kanger T3S's today which I just received, they can take 3,0ml so that should easily last me a day or even several.
What're you guys using?
Good stuff. I relied solely on e-cigs for around six months at one point, and I'm giving them another go now. At the moment I have a Bolt mod which I use with the good-ol' DCT tank-Boge combo, but a Kanger Pro Tank should arrive today and I ordered a Caravela clone from Vapor Tek USA a week ago. As far as liquids go, if you want authentic tobacco taste, House of Liquid's El Toro range is where it's at.

Also got my dad trying them. He used the basic, tiny 510 batteries and Boge's for a couple of months, and now he's given up nicotine completely after 50 years of smoking anything from two to five packs a day.
Really recommend them dude, they're really good, you'll notice a difference in how you feel straight away...

They're about 30% the monthly cost of real tabs... and your chest will feel so much better...

I'll go as far as saying after a while you'll feel you can go longer without taking a drag and eventually quit...
I seem to have used them in a different way to everyone else....

Quit smoking cold turkey, whenever I get an unbearable craving, just have a couple drags on the e-cig (which generally happens every other day or so, sometimes up to a week).

Had a normal cig the other day and fucking hell, literally within about 2 minutes of the first drag I physically felt my chest and throat seizing up, not to mention that the cutters choice I once so loved now tastes like ashtray - rollies.

How in the fuck I used to smoke 20+ of them every day i'll never know. I've got a feeling i'll end up smoking again come september when I go to university, but there's no way i'm smoking heavily.
buddy of mine was on two packs a day and went cold turkey straight into vaping. now he has total Mod G.A.S haha I would smoke cigarettes casually with him but when he switched to vaping I did as well. some many reasons to make the switch..
+much much much more health, Cost way less unless your buying a ton of mods every month, the ability the control the amount of nicotine and on most mods control the voltage. All I can say is after a night of drinking and vaping (not smoking anymore.) My hangovers aren't nearly as bad. and they don't stink nearly as much.
I started vaping 5 years ago, never looked back. I didn't want to quit smoking, but also didn't want to die. The transition was actually really easy for me, but I've heard those of weaker will might not have success with e-cigs. I use a Joye510. When the hype first began I bought some really expensive ones that sucked really badly. Do your homework on whatever brand you're interested in.
My wife & I switched to e-cigs about 3 years ago - started with those skinny 808 cig looking ones, now I have a couple of Puresmoker V3's, wife has a couple of ICONs.
Much healthier - my regular Dr. and lung Dr. are impressed at how I went from wheezing and low 90% on the Blood Ox to consistently over 97%, no wheezing or rattling.

We make our own juice - so it costs less that $2 for 30mls ..which is a couple of weeks.
I have a slew of flavors and a couple of liters of nic in the freezer.
Can't remember the last time I bought juice - maybe a year and half ago.
I've got a friend who was obsessed with them and would always do it in public places and say "it's okay I can do it because it's not smoke, it's just water vapour." He cited the same excuse when he blew it in my face once, I nearly fucking decked the cunt.
I've been vaping for about 3 years now. Started off with a 901 kit, then moved to a 510, Ego, Ego twist. I'm now into mods. Got a Vamo about half a year ago, then got an eVic. Now I'm using purely mechanical mods. Also tried out some rebuildable atomizers - AGA-T2 and RSST. Currently using either a Sigelei #13 or #19 with an adjustable airflow rebuildable dripping atomizer.
I dont smoke at all, but there's 0 regulation on this shit in the states and hardly any research so Im just waiting to hear how much worse it is than blah blah blah. Either way, I guess if you dudes think its better, then good luck to ya.
i do not smoke cigarettes, so i have only tried some exotic flavours without nicotine. it's pretty tasty and easy, i still prefer shisha though.
I was able to quit for a few months with a Joye 510 after smoking 1-2 packs a week. Unfortunately it was so easy to hit it all day that when I started back up I ended up smoking twice as much.
Tried them, dislike.

I do have an addictive personality and smoke about a pack a day. If they could only make them a bit lighter (weight-wise) then it may work for me. I don't like how heavy and awkward they feel between my fingers or if I let it hang from my mouth compared to a real cigg. Which goes to show that it has a lot to do with the motion/feeling etc and not so much for the smoke, for me, anyhow.
I've got a friend who was obsessed with them and would always do it in public places and say "it's okay I can do it because it's not smoke, it's just water vapour." He cited the same excuse when he blew it in my face once, I nearly fucking decked the cunt.

Yeah that kind of stuff sucks, I mean, if you're vaping you have to understand that you can't do it just anywhere even if it didn't cause any odor or whatever. The problem is that in certain places and situations, it can provoke smokers and that's not particularly nice. For example, if you're doing it in a train where smokers won't be able to do it for hours and have no choice but to watch your ass smoking it up.

I usually only do it in public where people actually smoke, or at my own or a friend's house, or in bars when I've specifically asked the staff if I could vape inside.(we can't smoke inside any bars whatsoever in Finland)
What are some Sneapsters' liquid favorites? Specials, and all-day flavors?

I've been hard pressed to find anything that resembles anywhere near a real cigarette taste, but I've had some good experiences with menthol and chocolate-mint so far.

I also just ordered some other cigarette taste, plus coffee and something that's supposed to have this ice cream and some sort of sweet roll taste to it. The latter not for all-day vaping of course, but to manage craving for sweets (these can work really well for that)
What are some Sneapsters' liquid favorites? Specials, and all-day flavors?

I've been hard pressed to find anything that resembles anywhere near a real cigarette taste, but I've had some good experiences with menthol and chocolate-mint so far.

I also just ordered some other cigarette taste, plus coffee and something that's supposed to have this ice cream and some sort of sweet roll taste to it. The latter not for all-day vaping of course, but to manage craving for sweets (these can work really well for that)

Dude, seriously, for real tobacco taste, get a range of these and you'll never look back:

And if you want something coffee-ish, try eBaron Lab Brasileiro from the same shop. Excellent stuff!