Varg Vikernes of Burzum

Ganymede said:
Yeah, I know it's irritating to quote myself, but I did want to stress that I was probably the last person on this thread to actually offer on opinion on Burzum's music.

Black metal isn't about technical proficiency, dolt.

(btw this thread isn't about Burzum's music. Dolt.)
Scenario IV said:
You sir are an idiot. Please die...for the sake of the human race please remove yourself from the gene pool. I don't care if you're joking or not, just give up the ghost and fuck off.

Varg can be summarized by one simple Anglo-Saxon word: cunt. The guy is a moron, end of story. He is not a visionary, he is not a martyr, he is not a talented musician...he is a joke.

Nothing else to see here; move along you Far-Right twats....