Variable impedance test (with clips)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Just did a quick test on my ISA one pre with the switchable impedance feature while reamping. I didn't realize how big of a change happens in the sound and tone. The first half is with low impedance, the second half is with high impedance (starting around :26). I know, we all are bored of these DI's, but I figure it would be the best to use for this example test.mp3

From what I found so far, the low impedance setting has somewhat of a mid honk and the transients are a bit sharper in the highs. The high setting is a but more rounded on the transients and is darker imo.
I did this test for myself a while ago (also with ISA one and sm57 on cab) and I was also pleasantly surprised by the differences between the settings. I ended up preferring the low setting. To me it sounded most natural and the lows, while being thicker, sounded more controlled and constant to me. The higher settings seemed to have a bit of a "whomp" at the end of every bassy sound.

I felt that on the higher impedance the highs became harsher though, and I think I hear that on your recording too? I'm not in my workspace right now though, so I'm not 100% sure about that.
I prefer the low impedance setting but didn't expect that much difference in mids. I was reading about the SM57 impedance mod but your clips comfused me know what I should expect.