vehemence/arsis tour??


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
tipton over at willowtip mentioned 12 dates, is this true John? Did my bringing them up help start the wheels rolling for this awesome two band tour??:loco: o_O

If you don't know arsis, go to and order their cd;

ARSIS - "a celebration of guilt " [willowtip]
After Slaughter of the Soul, melodic death metal essentially went straight down the tubes and exchanged its onetime in-your-face attitude and unparalleled aggression with powderpuff posturing and highly generic, cliched songwriting…. until now! Arsis' A Celebration of Guilt is the perfect marriage of shimmery snakecharming melody, efficient, jam-packed songwriting, and a harnessed virtuosity so infectious you’ll have to wear condoms over your eardrums to avoid its entrancing spell! Spreading its wings over and above the narrow confines of black metal, thrash, and death metal, Arsis has ripened a sound that owes as much to Dissection and recent Immortal as it does to Heartwork-era Carcass and the finger-cramping fretboard heroism of vintage Yngwie Malmsteen. If you’ve been searching for a metal album that can truly molest you with its melody, A Celebration of Guilt is the absolute frontrunner.
Yeah guys, we contacted some bands I will make sure you guys know who they are, Arisis leaked but yes, your help and my friend Mark Rhodes gets the credit for me to get more interested in this band. No Gay band Tour.
if this happens how far up east will it go? I would like to see Vehemence in the maritimes so if your willing to play this far north then email me. i can get you contact info for the people who book shows in eastern canada (no not quebec. i mean the real east. haha)