Vehemence Forever!!!!


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2003
West Haven, CT
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Hey everyone. This message goes out to the guys in Vehemence. You guys were amazing live at the NJ metal Meltdown!. NATHAN! David Scrubs here! Thanks again for an awesome weekend! I haven't had that much fun in awhile and I can't wait for the brooklyn show, I'm really hoping to make it so we can all hang out again! I got pictures to send you. They came out great! Stay Metal!

Autumnax said:
Hey everyone. This message goes out to the guys in Vehemence. You guys were amazing live at the NJ metal Meltdown!. NATHAN! David Scrubs here! Thanks again for an awesome weekend! I haven't had that much fun in awhile and I can't wait for the brooklyn show, I'm really hoping to make it so we can all hang out again! I got pictures to send you. They came out great! Stay Metal!


Hey man, Welcome to this board and post your ass off!!! So, there NJ show was amazing huh?? John did not say much about it, other than it went well!!

I would love to see the pics, can you post them or something?
I still haven't scanned the live shots I have yet. But I have a few of us with Nathan and the band that were pretty cool. When I scan the live shots I'll try to post them all (Don't know quite what I'm doing BTW. The new song "Kill For God" is so catchy! It rules!
Heh, "catchy," hrm. What's up David? I don't know if catchy is the word I'd use for the new tune; perhaps bludgeoning. Murderous. Or even destructive. Yeah, those work. ;)

No, seriously, Nathan's vocal trade-off with Mark K have to be seen to be heard. Or maybe heard to be seen? Vehemence is definitely going the right direction. Cheers all.
markgugs said:
Heh, "catchy," hrm. What's up David? I don't know if catchy is the word I'd use for the new tune; perhaps bludgeoning. Murderous. Or even destructive. Yeah, those work. ;)

No, seriously, Nathan's vocal trade-off with Mark K have to be seen to be heard. Or maybe heard to be seen? Vehemence is definitely going the right direction. Cheers all.

Yes, indeed, they are...If you liked Kill For God, you will love all the new material...There is a few more new songs entitled "You Dont Have To Be Afraid Anymore" "Darkness is Comfort" and "Her Beautiful Eyes" althought I believe her beautiful eyes was written awhile ago...John has also written and completed a few more new songs!! I am looking forward to the next album!

Autumnax said:
I still haven't scanned the live shots I have yet. But I have a few of us with Nathan and the band that were pretty cool. When I scan the live shots I'll try to post them all (Don't know quite what I'm doing BTW. The new song "Kill For God" is so catchy! It rules!

Whenever you scan them please let me know so I may see them!!! I am sure they turned out great...I shall post the pics I take of the shows here in CA! Later
blakmetalemp said:
No shit! They are very tight live on vocals.

It is funny...Mark looks like this really calm, shy, easy-going guy, and then you see him on stage and everything is cool, he is just playing bass...Then, all of a sudden this horrid shreek of unfathomable porportions comes out of him, and it kinda stops you in your tracks...It is funny as shit, his highs are the perfect contrast to Nathan's Lows....

Hey Dave's and Mark! Sorry for not playing the NY shows, I am sure you heard about what happened with us. Till next time and it was a great pleasure meeting you guys.Thanks for buying us beers, we owe ya one or a bunch, how about backstage at any show!