Vehemence News/ Kupd Interview

Jan 8, 2002
First off, congradulations to Nathan! Him and Lisa just had their first kid together (Blake Gearhart) on July 14th.. Much props to the new dad.

Also - we are gonna be at KUPD studios June 30th, at 9 p.m. We are gonna chat for a few minutes, and play a couple songs.So if you are in the Phoenix area, check that shit. We're also gonna be giving away some free CD's and stuff.

July 2nd the CD comes out!

It's looking like our first tour for this album is gonna be a few west coast dates with CATTLE DECAPITATION. This should be fun, and I'll let you foo's know the details when we find them out.

Don't forget to come to the show on July 6th at the Nile too!
Bands are:
The Divide
When Heaven Bleeds
Structure Of Lies

We will have new merch (our new shirts anddisc, other Cd's, and whatever else we can find).

Well, thats about all that I can think of to say right now, so peace out :rock:
...Vehemence on the radio, this'll be the 1st time I've (willingly)listened to the radio in years. :OMG:
I'll be checkin' that out.

I'm gonna try winnin' one of those cd's.
[I'm tryin' to convince John to give me one for my b-day(since it's July 2nd) but he doesn't seem to be giving in. :D

Thanks to all those that listened to our time slot on the red radio around 9:45 PM. There will be an MP3 of that interview comming soon for download. We were planning on playing She Never Noticed Me and I Must Not Live but those were too long of songs..eventually we learned the Metal Station on 98KUPD will come back but slowley so give it time! We will annouce our tour plans for this summer on the radio station in the next few weeks. If you want to catch a Vehemence song on the radio its always during the last half of the playlist. Be sure to request it just for deathmetal sake...if you are bored, call in and ask them to play out Lusting For Affection or God Was Created-THANKS!