vehemence update 9-26

Jan 8, 2002
Whats up fellas! We are stuck here in Orlando due to Hurricane Jeanne. Really fuckin shitty to be missing the Tampa show tonight... The tour with Mortician and Ackercocke has been goin great! Ackercocke has to be the nicest bunch of satanic death metallers I've ever met, and the Mortician dudes are cool as fuck too! We'll be back on the road on time for the NOLA show. Until then, keep it real! PEACE
Sounds like a great time Bjorn, glad you guys are enjoying yourselves so much! Too bad you're not doing the other two tours, though I never put much stock in anything that's not officially confirmed anyway! Besides, I can't wait to see you guys with Ackercocke in Dallas! See you Wendsday, drive safe!
Had a feeling you guys would get caught up there... Shoulda just left florida after the Ft Lauderdale date...
So, like if I tell you that I'm Funeral Portrait from UM at the Seattle show you'll let me hang out backstage riiiiight??? :grin:
yo guys,

I owe shitloads of money and cant afford it, and suck ass at driving in seattle, but fuck it, I'm coming to the show!!!

I'll prolly be the biggest guy there and wearing an opeth hat. I've been talking to john for like the last year on aim and I've missed you guys the last two times you've been here.