Vehemence Mortician/akercocke Second Half Of Tour Update


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So far the tour has been awesome! I see the metal scenes uniting and making efforts to come out to the shows. The second half of the tour started back on west coast territory, which was our hometown of Phoenix, AZ. As always Vehemence has strong support from there but it only grew stronger as we went more North. We played Las Vegas right after but the other bands did not perform due to contractual financial reasons. Akercocke and Mortician appeared but decided not to play, sorry for those who came out to see them, we also played a short set because of it. We had a fan that drew our logo on his T-shirt and missed us 3 times due to him moving around for college, although he was underage so that sucked. He still peaked through the window though.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We decided not to play in Tijuana, Mexico due to contractual reasons as well, and every show we were counting on getting paid so that took away from that trip. Till next time! We are only 7 hours away so we are definitely going to play a show there at some point. The Keyclub in Los Angeles, CA had some great opening acts and some celebrities showed up. Even actors, porn stars, comedians enjoy metal too. Corona, CA displayed the most head banging we have ever gotten out of the whole tour for our song By Your Bedside. The best shows I can say for now were San Antonio, TX and San Francisco, CA. San Fran showed us much love, got the pits going, stage diving, you name it, the SF metal heads know what’s up, much respect for those that participated in causing all of that.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Portland, OR was packed surprisingly for a Monday night. The scene up there has definitely blown up since last time we played there. Thanks to Geoff for the hospitality and setting the show up. Seattle, WA did not give us rain this time; it only gave us a new venue to play at. Always feels nice to play in different venues each time you come back to the city. Brett and Corey, thanks for the cookout and the hospitality after the show. We made our way back down to Salt Lake City, UT and were told the venue was changed, never the less UT has a small scene and already knew about the change a week ahead of time. Thanks to Vanessa for helping to promote the show which made things smoother for everyone. Big metal horns and much respect for all the crew we met at Elde’s house and at the show.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We made some ungodly drive to North Dakota to play our own headlining show and to return for the mid west & east coast shows. We skipped out on Omaha, Nebraska due to us getting the ND show a month in advance. We will be back in the area for sure though to make up for it. The show went pretty well, and it was nice performing with Anal Blast again. Thanks John for putting on the show for us. Waking up to a blanket of snow on our tour van, we scraped that nonsense off and proceeded to Chicago, IL. I would say this show was a tough crowd for all the bands, ya know stand 50 ft from the stage, no activity, head banging with hands in pockets, things like that. The venue was a bit big for the amount of people who showed up. Cincinnati, OH was a packed show and we had some amazing Vehemence fans that night. The venue looked weird, it was a laundry mat/venue. Cleveland, OH was decent, a lot of Nu-Metal bands opened up, and some of their crews didn’t know what to expect from getting on a death metal show. After that we traveled up to Laqauana, NY which is a suburb of Buffalos, NY and when we arrived there was a puddle of water on the stage. That got mopped up but there was still leaking from the roof, the show still went on we all just found that a bit annoying. A lot of people that we have met at Milwaukee and NJ metal fests showed up to that show. We played another show in NY and this venue called the Back Stage that had Vital Remains headline. Good friends in Suffocation and the NYDM all came out, thanks for the support of all those that tore shit up for all the bands. We will be back soon, and this is not the end of this tour report. Still got 3 more shows in PA, MA, and Toronto, Canada. Spread the word and support the metal scene.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]–John from Vehemence
i wanna see u guys so bad. we get nothin down here except local bands. and the only local band i have heard that i even like is thumbscrew(so brutal). all the good bands play out in austin and thats like an hour away. i got to see somebody and hopefully i can be able to catch u guys on tour next time.