Veil of Maya style mix (Real Drummer, Real Amp) need tips

good song and some cool playing!

here are some suggestions for you to try out:
- your mix could benefit from little bit more high mids on the snare (maybe around 2500Hz?) so it can cut through guitars.
- also the bass guitar is too much glued and buried under rhythm guitars, maybe pulling up freq around 1500hz and giving it some grit (ts808) may help. this would add to aggressiveness of the song.
good luck!
thanks for the input man yea i agree the snare is buried and thats a good idea to try out on the bass thanks a ton!
thanks man yea i agree shit needs to be tighter, i think i am gonna go back and work on the drums more and try to edit them as best i can, its tough cuz using real overheads screws me if i program things that are perfectly in time but the overheads are not.

guitars are pretty simple, Jackson Dinky (passive pickups)-> Ts808 settings at noon except overdrive which is at 8 o clock,-> Peavey XXX Treble 7, mids 3, bass 7, gain 4. -> Marshall 1960B cab not sure which speakers, sm57 off axis

If you wanna check my band out we are called The Room Colored Charlatan we did this song on our Ep at a "Pro" studio, i would like you guys to A/B the mixes and see what you think.

Original mix/master Reckoning Jordan king mix.mp3

My mix/Master Reckoning 2.mp3
Definitely need to give it more bottom end/bass, it's got an "and Justive For All" kinda feel to it with regards to the bass tone. I know it's there but it's just BARELY there if you actually listen for it..
are you refering to my mix Cheese? i will check out the bass seems like i can never get it right lol, and i am not trying to "match" the quality of the above posted "original mix/master" i am trying to make mine better lol
i think what would be the biggest bang for the buck is to have the snare match the kick a little better in terms of volume