Veil of Maya Tech Metal mix


Apr 15, 2011
This is the second band I've recorded and I just started recording them yesterday. I immediately realized i was getting a very mid-overpowering tone (I could be wrong) but I can't get this guy's guitar sound to blend with the drums at all, they don't feel cohesive whatsoever.

He used an Ibanez with stock active pickups, but I used a much worse guitar when demoing out stuff with the same eq and such and got a much better sound. Any tips for getting this tone to blend better? Thanks guys. the horde premix.mp3
the drums are in another league, especially during the intro. how loud is the guitar compared to the drum track? that seems like the primary issue. once that's resolved, the tone seems like it'll be awesome.
Your guitars sound quite extremely midbased and ... pretty much like a marshall microstack, while your drums are pretty good, that might be the problem.

What did you do to the guitars ?
the drums are in another league, especially during the intro. how loud is the guitar compared to the drum track? that seems like the primary issue. once that's resolved, the tone seems like it'll be awesome.

The guitars are like 1/3 quieter than the drums right now.
Try low passing higher up, say 10k, and make your cuts considerably narrower. The bass is gonna make a huuuuuuge difference when you add it in though, so I think the low end is okay for the time being, although as I say if you narrow that cut between 200-300 that may fill out your low mids nicely :)