Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve

Maybe I've reached that point... it's not that I think that my BM collection all sounds the same (when I do buy BM, I usually make a point to select original bands. I just looked though my collection and couldn't really pick out one or two albums I'd like to get rid of...), but when one band does something great why should I even bother with the bands that do the same thing maybe not quite as well? To me, this VC song sounds like something a Burzum/Beherit fan would record and post on the Self-Promotion board. Obviously you guys hear something that I don't, so it's safe to say that I am either too damn cynical or just don't get it.
Nah, it could also just be that you not only own lots of BM, but you listen to it more. I'm pretty sure I don't listen to as much BM as most others round here, so when I hear something like this, it pretty much just pulls me into the heart of the winter trees! You mentioned Beherit, you see, I've never heard any Beherit so it could be that I'm just a n00b (as Erik called me recently!).

Still, Erik likes this, so maybe my theory is bunk. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Nah, it could also just be that you not only own lots of BM, but you listen to it more. I'm pretty sure I don't listen to as much BM as most others round here, so when I hear something like this, it pretty much just pulls me into the heart of the winter trees! You mentioned Beherit, you see, I've never heard any Beherit so it could be that I'm just a n00b (as Erik called me recently!).

Still, Erik likes this, so maybe my theory is bunk. :loco:
I don't listen to all that much BM... it would probably compose about 30% of my listening (although more in the winter :) )

MY BM albums:
EMPEROR – In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems…, IX Equilibrium, Prometheus
MAYHEM – De Mysteriis…, Grand Declaration…, Meladonia Capta Est, Chimera
HATE FOREST – The Most Ancient Ones, Purity, Battlefields
HADES – The Dawn of a Dying Sun
SUMMONING – Lugburz, Minas Morgul, Dol Guldur, Nightshade Forests, Stronghold
ABSYMAL – The Pillorian Age
DUB BUK – Idu Na Vy
CRYSTALIUM – Diktat Omega
NEHEMAH – Requiem Tenebre
GOTYNA KRY – Krew Nasznch Ojcow
MIRRORTHRONE – Of Wind and Weeping
DISSECTION – The Somberlain, Storm of the Light’s Bane
NECROMANTIA – Scarlet Evil Witching Black, Crossing the Fiery Path
LUX OCCULTA – Forever Alone Immortal, Dionysos, Major Arcana, My Guardian
FROST – Talking to God
BEHERIT – Drawing Down the Moon
BEHERIT/ARCHGOAT – Messe Des Morts/Angelcunt
MOONBLOOD – Taste Our German Steel
DEATHSPELL OMEGA – Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice

ENSLAVED - Vikingligr Veldi, Frost, Eld
WATAIN – Casus Luciferi
ONDSKAPT – Draco Sit Mihi Dux
WEAKLING – Dead as Dreams
LEVIATHAN – The Tenths Sublevel of Suicide, Tentacles of Whorror
BLUT AUS NORD – The Work Which Transforms God
NOKTURNAL MORTUM – Lunar Poetry, Goat Horns, To the Gates of Blasphemous
Fires, NeChrist, The Taste of Victory
MISTIGO VARRGOTH DARKESTRA – The Key to the Gates of Apocalypses
DRUDKH – Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora
BURZUM – s/t/Aske, Det Some Engang Var, Hvis Lyset Tarr Oss, Filosofem, Hlidskjalf
NASHEIM – Evigheit/Undergang
LIMBIONIC ART – Moon in the Scorpio, Ad Noctum
ULVER – Bergtatt, Kveldssanger, Nattens Madrigal
GRAVELAND – Thousand Swords, The Celtic Winter, Immortal Pride, Creed of Iron,
Raise Your Sword
DARKTHRONE – A Blaze…, Under a Funeral Moon, Transilvanian Hunger,
SATYRICON – Dark Medieval Times, The Shadowthrone, Nemesis Divina, Volcano
BATHORY – s/t, Blood Fire Death, Twilight of the Gods, Nordland II
NAGLFAR – Ex Inferis, Sheol
ABIGOR – Nachthymnen, Channeling the Quintessence of Satan
NEGURA BUNGET – Sala Molksa, N’ Crugu Bradului
HELHEIM – Jormundgand, Av Norron AEtt
XASTHUR – Nocturnal Poisoning, The Funeral of Being, Telepathic with the Deceased
JUDAS ISCARIOT – Distant in Solitary Night, Heaven in Flames
SETHERIAL – Nord, Endtime Divine
BERGTHRON – Jagdheim, Faus fur Faust
NACHTFALKE – Doomed to Die, Land of Frost
ASTROFAES – Dying Emotions Domain, The Eyes of the Beast, Ancestors’ Shadows,
GRAND BELIAL’S KEY – Castrate the Redeemer, Judeobeast Assassination
VED BUENS ENDE – Written in Waters
FLEURETY – Mid Tid Skal Komme
BEHEMOTH/DAMNATION – And the Forest Dream Eternally/Forbidden Spaces
TAAKE – Bjoergvin
MANES – Under Ein En Blodraud Maane
SAMAEL – Worship Him
VARATHRON – Walpurgisnacht
DODHEIMSGARD – Kronet til Konge, Monumental Possession
PRIMORDIAL – Imrama, A Journey’s End, Spirit the Earth Aflame, The Burning
Season, Storm Before Calm
GEASA – Angels Cry
THE MEADS OF ASPHODEL – Exhuming the Grave of Yeshua
SUN OF THE SLEEPLESS – Poems to the Wretches Hearts
NAGELFAR - Srontgorrth

IMO, there aren't many copycat bands in that list... most are pretty unique, whether it be traditional BM (Darkthrone), pagan BM (Astrofaes),
Viking BM (Nachtfalke), Romanian BM (Negura) or fucked-up-hippie BM (Meads of Asphodel). I'm not sick of the genre at all... it's just that I've become much more selective lately and don't automatically run out and buy every album that has a forest on it. :tickled:
Dude, that is a LOT of BM. Of that list, I would say I have about 35 of them, not much more beyond that. Even then, the differences between the bands are hardly like comparing "Emperor" and "U2"....I mean, it's all BM at the end of the day....otherwise it would be....some other genre. :hypno: :loco:
My opinion on this track is aligned with BWD in that it didn't connect with me enough to declare this a work of genius, though the unnatural ambience of techniques used to achieve it are nonconventional to say the least...this will require listening to the complete album(s) to reach a final opinion...
I was just listening to "Setting Off the Twilights" from their older album, Dextronaut. Doesn't sound like the same kind of deal, more like typical black metal, but there's still something distinguishing about it.

Someone told me that's not how you spell Cacoon, eh?
there is a very subtle layered riff or whatnot towards the later 1/3 of that track ... that just is fucking hypnotic.
i need to seek out this record.
Hello my name is NAD and I'm late to the party.
JayKeeley said:
Dude, that is a LOT of BM.
No shit man, my black metal collection is about 20 CDs and I'm pretty set for the genre. But I'm still checking out this Velvet Cacoon because I read they were involved with the ELF and now I'm curious. So far good ambience, okay music.
So, I've been seeing an album "P aa opal Poere Pr. 33" pop up around the net over the last few weeks saying its a VC 2009 release...

Now, I knew about the double CD (Atropine) coming from them on FMP later this year, but any ideas what the fuck this is (if it's even VC at all)? It's not mentioned on the FMP site.

Edit: NEvermind, it is real, not an FMP release though, something called "Starlight Temple Society". Granted, from what I'm reading there is a real leak and also a fake leak, haha.