Venom @ The Fillmore - last night


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
So, got to the venue around 4-4:30, something like that. Stood around for a while, pretty much the first people there. Eventually some guy who looked like a hobo came up and talked to us, then realized he was wearing a Venom shirt. Much glee was found.

Over the next 4 hours people piled into the line.

Finally got in around 8:30-8:45, claimed the front center spots. Waited 15 minutes, and then Goatwhore came on.

Goatwhore was very, very, very fucking impressive. Can't telly you a setlist, but it was pretty damn cool. I highly suggest seeing them if they come your way.

Devildriver cancelled :heh:

Next came "snore on fire" as I have deemed them. I swear me and Isabel were falling asleep against the rail at one point... It was like watching snails fuck.

Finally on came Venom, with serious fucking energy. Blasted right into BLACK METAL, and played it just how I wanted it.

Setlist (which i snagged and gave to isabel since i never hang the fuckin things up unless they're signed):

Black Metal
Welcome to Hell
In Nomine Satanas
Seven Gates of Hell
At War With Satan (No, it wasn't the entire thing, dammit!)
Resurrection (Which i don't remember hearing because i remember At War with satan going right into the next song, and probably my favorite Venom song:)
Countess Bathory!!!
Burn in Hell
Metal Black
Die Hard
Encore: Witching Hour

Woulda been nice to hear Sacrifice and Don't Burn the Witch... or just the entire Black Metal album...

Either way, it was an awesome show, even if I have a bit of kidney pain and rail bruising. Went home, laid down, cockslapped Isabel on the otherside of the face to leave a matching bruise for symmetry, and went to sleep.
Oh, and I kept getting crushed the entire show by a very fat guy... and 2 other fat guys.

I think one ass raped me with his stomach fat... and the other kept touching my head.

Sucks not being able to move your shoulders behind you to hit them in the stomach :/
so venom is another band i need to check out. what albums do you guys recommend to start with?

Anyway awesome you guys had fun.
sucks for eric to get ass raped by fat guys, happened to me when i saw nevermore in april
Welcome To Hell, Black Metal, Resurrection and Metal Black are my favorite Venom albums. I am a big Venom fan so I pretty much listen to anything with the Venom name on it. Although Mantas' side project is shit.
I'd say start with the album "Black Metal," then move around.

They really are fucking awesome and I still have several fucking bruises on my body from this show. Hung up the show flyer, but since it says Devildriver on it too, it looks weird. Probably gonna take it down.
EricT said:
I'd say start with the album "Black Metal," then move around.

They really are fucking awesome and I still have several fucking bruises on my body from this show. Hung up the show flyer, but since it says Devildriver on it too, it looks weird. Probably gonna take it down.
ok, i will check it out when i get to seattle.
thanks dude
Just take a sharpie and cross out the Devildriver part. On top or under it, write "lay down your souls to the gods of rock n roll, Black Metal!".
Really? So post a picture of it so everyone can see.
Besides, it would be better to have it written twice than to have that gay band Devildriver's name appearing on it.
Can't find me camera...

Isabel can probably take a picture of her gay blue one sometime later though if I don't find it before then.

Edit: suprised she hasn't been bragging about Anttons shirt or the setlist to rub it into all the lowely peoples faces... It was a lovely smelling shirt.
retarded penguin said:
I saw Devildriver with In Flames and they were not bad.

Saw that tour, Devil Drivers set was ruined by my friends drunk ass running into the sound booth...

Twas funny when the jackass of a vocalist started throwing his mic around the stage all pissy till he left.