Venom's fans!!!


Jul 31, 2007
Hi there,

The Japenese band Sigh launched a Tribute to Venom (called "Sigh Tribute to Venom... Not too difficult to reminds hum?)

They really are a band to make a good tribute to them, but listen by yourself:

And to promote the CD, they are on tour with Zimmer's Hole and unexpecT across the American territory...

Here are the dates:

Yes I hear about it. I'm fan of Venom but don't know if i'm interested in a tribute to them.
I'm seeing the band on their 2nd and 3rd dates of their upcoming tour in Anaheim and Hollywood, respectively. It will be my birthday gift to myself. (My birthday is the day after the Hollywood show.) :):kickass:

Looking forward to seeing the show since they weren't able to come through town with Mayhem since Hellhammer had his arm injury last year causing the whole tour to be canceled. Sucked, too since they were playing right down the street from me and I had my tickets in my hand! :rolleyes:
They already did tribute ep at 95`To Hell and Back. Well Sigh is cool band. I hope they come here for litle tour too.

Yeah, I got that one on tape. It´s curious but I consider Sigh are far better and deserved much more recognition for their albums. They have evolved through the years and I consider one of the most original bands in the world.

Along the years I have bought their whole discography (I only missed "Scenario IV") and my favourite is "Hail horror hail" and "Hangman´s hymn".

IMO, Mirai is a genius.