Very confused - Brian I need some clarification on Darkthrone


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
So, I've never really listened to Darkthrone, but I always figured they were black metal. However, I took a listen to this track of their new disc and to these ears, it mostly sounds like traditional metal. Is this how they typically sound or is this a change in direction?

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Darkthrone was indeed a pioneering black metal band, back in the day. But over the last few years and last few albums theyve been changing up the their style alot. Alot of the 2000s they spent doing alot of crust punk and black thrash more so than black metal. They as a band consider themselves as just "metal" now and not identifying as any specific subgenre. Apparently this album is SUPPOSED to be varied in styles between the 6 tracks.
Simon, you have a lot of catching up to do!!
This is the direction they've been taking for the past 4 albums, but it's not all that different from their early stuff, specifically A Blaze in the Northern Sky. The past 4 have been thrash/black/crust of sorts, but this new song, once the Celtic Frost worship at 2:45 kicks in, reminds me a lot of BitNS. You see, BitNS -- is at heart a band playing music in the vein of Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, with different production and more typical black metal vox. They've changed a lot since then, but the CF influence has never truly left.
I'll have to look into it, especially if they have a CF/Hellhammer influence. i do like this I must say, as well as the song element man posted.
The new track actually has a reference to this song. One of my favorites.

That's my all time fav DT tunes.

The most recent DT I purchased ,which was quite a few years ago now, was Sardonic Wrath. It was ok, but wasn't really anything special.

They just seem to basically say, "Screw it. We made a name for ourselves so we will continue to simply play tunes inspired by all the genres we like" I mean good for them. Seems like their stuff still gets good reviews.