Very Crazy Killer on Greyhound!

I hate the fact no one did anything to stop this asshole. A bus full of men and no one did anything, it takes 4 guys max to take down an asshole with a knife who's distracted. Fucking cowards.

P.S> Fuck all of you making jokes, I don't find it funny. I often take the bus, I can imagine this 100%. The bus is like, the quietest fucking place ever. I always have my ipod on laying up against the window sleep exactly like the victim. THis is awful I wish we had the death penalty in Canada for crazy assholes like this. I don't know who's worse, the killer or the pussies who saved their own asses and let the poor kid get decapitated.
damn, that is really scary to read. If the guy changed seats in order to sit next to the victim, maybe it was a planned murder....but the way one of the witnesses described it was as if the attacker was a robot, just stabbing casually. That's really creepy. He must have some mental problem/be some sort of psychopath.
I hate the fact no one did anything to stop this asshole. A bus full of men and no one did anything, it takes 4 guys max to take down an asshole with a knife who's distracted. Fucking cowards.

P.S> Fuck all of you making jokes, I don't find it funny. I often take the bus, I can imagine this 100%. The bus is like, the quietest fucking place ever. I always have my ipod on laying up against the window sleep exactly like the victim. THis is awful I wish we had the death penalty in Canada for crazy assholes like this. I don't know who's worse, the killer or the pussies who saved their own asses and let the poor kid get decapitated.

i've joked about much worse.... also, i do agree that it is very fucked up that nobody tried to save that guy, it shows you how many spineless pussies are in this world
Well there is no reason for knifing someone's head off in a bus other than a serious mental glitch. Would you really approach a big dude with a rambo knife in a narrow bus? All you could do is stun him by kicking in the nuts. Fail, like you obviously will, and you're dead. Not many even have the calmness under such situation to think and pull off something like that.
Well there is no reason for knifing someone's head off in a bus other than a serious mental glitch. Would you really approach a big dude with a rambo knife in a narrow bus? All you could do is stun him by kicking in the nuts. Fail, like you obviously will, and you're dead. Not many even have the calmness under such situation to think and pull off something like that.


You canät blaim the people there of what they did, I mean if a big dude with a huge knife started stabbing the guy next to you, your normal human reaction is to save your self, especially if that guy getting stabbed is a total stranger to you.
the way i see it, a bus full of people vs. 1 maniac with a knife.... no problem dude. seriously, if even just a few people took the guy down at the most, one of the guys might have gotten stabbed but, more than likely, just a flesh wound. maybe none of you guys would have helped but, i like to think that i would've done all that i could
I hate the fact no one did anything to stop this asshole. A bus full of men and no one did anything, it takes 4 guys max to take down an asshole with a knife who's distracted. Fucking cowards.

P.S> Fuck all of you making jokes, I don't find it funny. I often take the bus, I can imagine this 100%. The bus is like, the quietest fucking place ever. I always have my ipod on laying up against the window sleep exactly like the victim. THis is awful I wish we had the death penalty in Canada for crazy assholes like this. I don't know who's worse, the killer or the pussies who saved their own asses and let the poor kid get decapitated.

Well if it makes you feel any better I thought the same thing yes they are cowards if you're reading the same thing I am then it says they were "extraordinary" yes I agree that sounds like the other passengers gave very ordinary performances
I think K A is's easy to say you would've helped. but when you're really in that situation, it would be scary as fuck. So you would probably just look out for your own safety.

fuck you bitchor.
this is seriously disturbing.

And yes people should have helped him but it's clear that everybody was afraid to be the next victim. Nobody had the balls to make the first step so nobody does anything
You can't change anything about it.
i find it humorous that people hear are bitchin about other people joking about the situation, this kind of shit is nothing new to the world and sure it sucks and it is sad but, worse shit than this happens everyday. not to mention that people will joke about much worse. if you want to bitch, bitch at people who make racist jokes or jokes about the holocaust
the way i see it, a bus full of people vs. 1 maniac with a knife.... no problem dude. seriously, if even just a few people took the guy down at the most, one of the guys might have gotten stabbed but, more than likely, just a flesh wound. maybe none of you guys would have helped but, i like to think that i would've done all that i could

You know, a jumbo jet full of people didn't handle a couple of blokes with knives.

Maybe the people were better off just exiting the bus and leaving the baldie alone till the cops arrive, since you weren't around :lol:
quite possibly, i still consider the passengers of the planes during the 9/11 tragedy pussies. if i were one of the planes that hit the twin towers or the pentagon, i would've done all that i could to stop those fucking terrorists, better to die a hero than die as a pussy. and for anybody considering a smartass remark, i am being 100% serious