Very Crazy Killer on Greyhound!

As much as I'd like to say I would have done something to intervene in the situation, one can't really say for sure what he would do unless that situation was placed right before him. I'm not saying that everyone's talking out of their ass, but actually being in the situation and reading about it over the interweb are two different things.
I've got too much pride to not act in such situation.

My will to be taken in a good way (my view of a "good way" lol) would fucking own my will to live.

Inb4: you've never been in those situations you would shit yourself / you have no heart wyou would do that for yourself instead of the victim / etc.
Front page story, its basically what we've all been talking about. Basically same reaction as Joe.

Although I will say, I'm pretty sure the guy was dead, quite soon. Stopping the guy would have just saved his head, but they didn't know that, and had he turned to a second person, he probably would have gotten that one too.

It's a possibility now, people will be scared about buses for a while, it's just normal. I doubt tasers will be given to drivers but something will be done I'm sure.

I doubt it : /

Unless they get metal detectors for all buses now, this couldn't have been prevented. Just some fuck who went nuts. Security stations similar to airports is probably way too costly for a one time freak thing.

Thankfully, it wasn't a murder suicide, because although this nut probably should have gunned down on sight, I really want to hear what he has to say for himself first.

P.S. I also heard, after he went up to the door to drop the head. He went back to the body, started carving it up more and ate some of it. Haven't had time to read the full article myself though =/
That's really sad. Why the fuck did no one do anything? That's pure cowardice. Yeah, the guy was being stabbed so we woke everyone up and ran out. Wow. The fact that the initial response was "Let's get the fuck out of here"...I understand. But that after they had a second to think, not to do something? That's wrong. Real wrong. Have they no heart? I've been in a situation where I witnessed a gang (not a real gang, just a group of idiots) try to hang someone walking back from, I can't remember. You know, they saw me and I ran the fuck out of there. That was my initial response. Besides, 4 against 1 was hardly odds I was going to do. Since I lived close by, I called over 2 mates there..while returning...seeing that they don't kill him. They walked a bit away, and started discussing..(he was tied up)..and cut him loose and we ran like nothing out of there. They followed, but my mates where there by then and they didn't dare to try something in middle of the street. Luckily, they only had knives. I have never seen such gratitude. I didn't know if they really was going to hang the guy, but they had the fucking rope tied around him thinking how they would tie it in the tree. That was bad enough for me. I would think ANYONE would do something like that. People are too pre-occupied with their own lives to see others. And that's sad. And this proves it.