Very interesting.


Aug 14, 2006
Boston, MA
I should probably post this in the main forum, but this forum is getting more traffic (or at least traffic I care about).

Five part documentary about black metal, but it is basically about Gorgoroth. The first two parts are pretty useless and suck, but the last three are very interesting. Shows Gaahl in a very human sort of way. Some great quotes in there two.

So feel free to skip the first two shitty parts.

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This belongs in the main gets little traffic because everyone posts everything in the subforums.
"You will be allowed to focus on the god within yourself, because that's the only true god. The god within everything. That's the only thing that's alive for me that is worth calling god. It is the highest spirit of everything, and not this control freak thats telling you 'You are not supposed to do this, you are not supposed to do this, you are only supposed to bow down and kneel before what I say. God is within man, god is within nature, and nature will always grow. That's the force of all life, is to grow."

That particular quote somewhat caught my interest. Some other one that I couldn't find as well, something about there will always be kings and there will always be slaves. He is one hell of a man, that's for sure. He brings about a lot of ideas and points that are hard to express in words and actual conversation; things that make you think. I am somewhat in a process of finding myself religiously, and the quote above vaugely puts into words what I can barely process in my own head. Hard to explain.
Everything of interest could easily have been condensed into one video, but it was alright I guess.

It would be funny if he tortured and killed the interviewer at the end of vid 5, for asking the 'wrong' questions!
Yeah, that whole like few minuets of silence thing at the end was intense.

Don't know, but I just found it and was fascinated by the man, so I decided to post it.

Actually this may be a different documentary, since the other one was mainly about Varg. I only regarded the fact that both documentaries are split into 5 parts. My bad.
Yeah, that whole like few minuets of silence thing at the end was intense.

Intense? Haha i was laughing. At frist he seemed to have redeemed him self from the "satan" interview, but then he had to go silent. He seems to have a cool wine collection though.
Actually this may be a different documentary, since the other one was mainly about Varg. I only regarded the fact that both documentaries are split into 5 parts. My bad.

No it was the same documentary, and I posted it. It seemed to go unnoticed so I could see why someone else posted it.
"You will be allowed to focus on the god within yourself, because that's the only true god. The god within everything. That's the only thing that's alive for me that is worth calling god. It is the highest spirit of everything, and not this control freak thats telling you 'You are not supposed to do this, you are not supposed to do this, you are only supposed to bow down and kneel before what I say. God is within man, god is within nature, and nature will always grow. That's the force of all life, is to grow."

That particular quote somewhat caught my interest. Some other one that I couldn't find as well, something about there will always be kings and there will always be slaves. He is one hell of a man, that's for sure. He brings about a lot of ideas and points that are hard to express in words and actual conversation; things that make you think. I am somewhat in a process of finding myself religiously, and the quote above vaugely puts into words what I can barely process in my own head. Hard to explain.

I'm in complete agreement. I find him to be one of the most intriguing figures of the black metal movement...

And the silence at the end. Damn.
Yeah, I saw this on Metal arch. Pretty interesting. Gaahl is kind of insane, but I feel sorry for him.
Yeah, I saw this on Metal arch. Pretty interesting. Gaahl is kind of insane, but I feel sorry for him.
I thought that was either "White Seed" or "Sign of an Open Eye". No sure though and I can't be fucked to go back and check