very OT: the green thing

Jaen said:
yea, Zach already explained that...
yeah like Zach said, no he didn't and neither did anyone else ;p

goth_fiend said:
*joins in on hangar 18*

and then Im all like meeedley meedley meedley meedley, then the bass player comes in all like jugga jugga jugga jugga, and the keyboard player goes booop boop boop boop boop, and then I come in all like AND THE DRAGOOON COMES IN THE NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*thud*
I'm really agressive when it comes to posting there. I have no other choice cause I'll just get pwn3d by everyone else. Plus I post super awesome stuff like a pic of Hieronymus Lex from Oblivion with "im in ur waterfront, taxin ur beggers" as opposed to hentai... :erk: