very pleased with this guitar tone.


Nov 17, 2008

jcm900 > tube screamer, quad tracked, hard panned, touch of C4 on each track (i think this is the magic ingredient.)

bass is two tracks blended:

bass > sansamp DI/driver > firepod
|_> parallel out > tube pre > waves GTR

kick/toms were converted to midi and plugged in s2.0 with DFH ezx kit.
snare is a DFH gog squashed with rcomp, i really love it in the mix but hate the ringy tail end of the sample, haven't gated/edited it out yet. maybe i'll just try other gogs.

also i used a bottom snare mic to trigger the .gog, for obvious faster attack/better isolation, with the intent to blend in the top mic, but it wasn't happenin.

there was virtually no editing/quantizing, the drummer/guitarist were really tight.

finally brickwalled the shit out of the whole mix with t-racks.

thoughts? :err:
Holy shit dude, that guitar tone absolutely roars - so that's a real 900, not some ampsim right? And into what cab? Sounds great regardless, what mids! (maybe a TOUCH too much, I mean I love 'em, but a bit less fuzz and more attack would be nice, though I'm totally nitpicking). Really not a fan of the kick though, sounds like it has too much highs, too snappy (not a word I like to apply to a kick attack) and a bit distorted sounding. Similar with the snare, though while snap is a more appropriate term there, I'm still not too keen on it; I hear the ring, which is indeed maddening (especially when it's just the snare by itself, e.g. in the breakdown) but also I think you might have too much bottom mic in there that makes it so snappy. Really overall it sounds like there's some distorting/pumping on the drums in general, but man, that guitar! (and bass too, can't understate that). So which 900 was this? Dual Reverb, SL-X, some other I'm not aware of? Never knew a Marshall could sound this saturated!
thanks for the advice man, yes it's a real 900, but not mine, so i don't recall the details. but it was crankin into an orange cab. 57 on axis on the cone, he had a good balanced tone that wasn't too nails-on-a-chalk-board-ish so i went for the on-axis. the drummer was bummed on the drums too, saying he "knows what i was going for" but liked the old mix better. the old mix was the ny avatar kit for kick/toms and his natural mic'ed snare unreplaced. i'll post that next and see which is more accepted.
You know, I had a feeling it was an Orange cab, cuz it has a similar character to Swallow the Sun's "Hope," which I know was Orange amps and I'm pretty certain cabs as well. Very middy as I mentioned, but at least not dark like so many of the clips of those cabs I've heard; props to you for not shying from the dustcap!