Very quick mix - guess the drums and guitar amp :)

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Did this in about 15 or 20 mins...fixing up the guitar tracks to get rid of noise took 3x as long -_- This is the first time I've been able to mix a song as a whole because before now I've had a PoS soundcard and have been able to have a max of about 5 tracks running at once. I had to make something sound good, export as .wav, put it into the song, then go back and change stuff. Ugh.
Toms I've been working on for a while trying to achieve a nice natural sound but this is the first I've heard them in an actual song so they still need quite a bit of playing around.
No bass recorded yet...

So.. take a guess. Drums real, sample replaced or programmed?
And guitars: Guess the amp or modelling software you think it is. BTW, each track has 2 amps (one a very middy tone and one a very scooped tone).

And of course, rate the tone: anything I should change. Mixed it on headphones but now listening through my computer speakers the guitars seem a lot softer :/ Also do you think I used too much GClip on the snare?
Right about programmed drums..although not addictive. Apart from the kick, they're my own kit..guess I should be pleased I got the same quality with a Pearl Export in a garage with cheapo mics :) What gives away the fact that its programmed? Is it just the kick. Cos I think the snare/toms/cymbals are pretty realistic (unfortunately crash cymbal isn't TOTALLY realistic when its being ridden on but that can't be helped).

And no, guitar isn't revalver, @paladin, both tracks are from the same output ie. both real amps or both from the same modelling program.

Also..hints about the mix? Reviewing now the snare is way too loud and the guitars are too soft, but anything about the individual tones of drums or guitar?