very quick Tube Cube review!


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Okay, after some trouble with the german mail delivery services I got my Tube Cube. I read about it 2 weeks ago and ordered it instantly because of it's unbelivable price.

This guy makes different versions of his Tube Cube. Mine is the the Deluxe160 and allready version 3 of it's kind.


I paid $149 + $29 shipping. A high quality, very short speaker cable came with it. After asking him to pack it like a present or make it look like it's from a friend I was very lucky I had not to pay any additional taxes (allready had some problems when ordering from the us). Mr Sanders seems to be a really friendly guy and answered all my questions immediately.
Very safe package btw.

So, what can I say? It works!! You have several options to use it. It has one input and two outputs so you can connect two cabinets at the same time without worrying about impedance at all. Or have no cabinet connected at all. You have a small button to choose from 8, 12, 16, and even 20 ohms but this button is kinda small and if you have big hands you mostly likely need some tool to choose your impedance. I had to push it up and down a bit to find out on which position I will have my 16 ohms. Could have been better. But I really don't care because I found the right position :)

Right next you'll find the volume control which has twelve positions. Works. Nothing else to say!

I used it during the last rehearsal and it made my day. I turned my Krank Rev1
all the way up and it made a lot of difference. It cooked. Awesome.

I'm very happy about the fact you don't need any power supply at all, too.

It's build from metal and looks kinda solid but I wouldn't use a hammer on it. It's not very heavy. But it doesn't look like it brakes into a thousand pieces after dropping it down accidentally.

I just can recommend this thing and it's awesome for it's pricerange. I just don't see the point to pay 400 bucks for a hotplate. I used it with my amp for several hours today without any cabinet attached and my amp is still working.
Just curious... If you used it without a cab how were you listening to the amp?

I like the fact that it states that's transparent and flat which you want to have, since the purpose is to crank the amp and hear it through the cab.

just checked ebay and theres a new version with a line-out (RCA :cry:)
Just curious... If you used it without a cab how were you listening to the amp?

I like the fact that it states that's transparent and flat which you want to have, since the purpose is to crank the amp and hear it through the cab.

just checked ebay and theres a new version with a line-out (RCA :cry:)

Pretty sure he was using it with a cab, just as an attenuator to let him crank his amp and saturate the power tubes without getting all that volume... You COULD use it without a cab though for use with impulses and such though, I believe that is what he was getting at :kickass: