Very sad......

Emerald Sword said:
Give me a break. A little melodramatic on your part. Don't you think?

No, I don't think so. What you were saying basically comes across to me as saying to AngraRules that he's just a stupid foreigner and his opinions are less important and valuable than yours just because he wasn't born here. And I was reminding you that unless you have Native American ancestry, you're basically just as much as a foreigner as he is in the big swing of things.
lady_space said:
Or, uh, duh, try to fix the problems where they are.

I'm so sick of the "if you don't like it, leave" attitude. :b

if that became law, the US would have a drastically reduced population of incapable fools.
I love my country! Right or wrong. No one is perfect. I'm happy to be an american and wouldn't want to be anything else. I see nothing wrong with loving your country. And I will stand by this statement as long as I live. God Bless America!
Emerald Sword said:
Again, I say. And?

Hahahaha... Truly an American answer...

Show the lack of caring... even to what he calls his own country... Being ignorant to the point of not realizing his OWN country has been called by the wrong name for the past centuries... And, worst of all, by their own people...
Jim LotFP said:
They walked here from Asia.'re right there. In the really really big swing of things, we're all citizens of the world......although we certainly don't treat it like it's our planet, more like we'll be moving off in a year or two or something. But in the recent historical context, in terms of countries, there were people here, and we kicked them off. So no one else here has any more claim than anyone else that they're an "American."
Emerald Sword said:
Again, I say. And?
AND what gives us the right to call ourselves 3 continents worth of importance? we don't speak for Uraguay for example. we have no rule over Chile, or Argentina, or Costa Rica. we are NOT America, we are the United States of America, or better put for modern times: the United States of Arrogance. :erk:
Emerald Sword said:
I love my country! Right or wrong. No one is perfect. I'm happy to be an american and wouldn't want to be anything else. I see nothing wrong with loving your country. And I will stand by this statement as long as I live. God Bless America!
that's the attitude i despise beyond all else. disgusting how selfish and self-centered so many americans are.

i say: God Bless the Entire Planet. no exceptions.
Emerald Sword said:
I love my country! Right or wrong. No one is perfect. I'm happy to be an american and wouldn't want to be anything else. I see nothing wrong with loving your country. And I will stand by this statement as long as I live. God Bless America!

Yes....I think all the people here would agree that they love their country.'s a few specific things.

President =/= your country
Politicians =/= your country
Current replaceable government in general =/= your country

You can love America without loving the things a replaceable government does.

On the big picture........everyone is a citizen of the world and when we finally deplete the world of all of its resources and make it unliveable, it won't matter that you're an "American." You're a citizen of the world then.
Or, rather...

What is a government without its people?

Bark is correct again. Love your country, not your government. They are two distinct things.
That's why you really can only be so angry towards politicians, government offices, whatever, because in the end, it's large groups of ignorant people who cause all of these things to happen, and let themselves be taken advantage of. That's how it's worked pretty much in all of history. None of the evil people throughout history would have had power if simple people hadn't let themselves be tricked by the evildoers.
absolutely. and that is why the biggest political tactic is to induce people to believe you stand for them, that you are right, and worthy of their attention. and then you've got them.
Silent Song said:
that's the attitude i despise beyond all else. disgusting how selfish and self-centered so many americans are.

i say: God Bless the Entire Planet. no exceptions.

Surely we can make an exception with those dipshits in Holland at least? I mean, come on...

A blessing from God isn't too great based on my research anyway. It usually implies genocide and random acts of assholeness. God is such a punk.
Woohoo! Jesus loves me too even though I think his dad is an asshole!

Angraboy: Politics isn't my bag baby, I can't read through this entire thread without getting bored. I haven't grasped what this thread is really about. But a skillfull troll knows how to troll anyway! Actually it's even easier to troll when you show absolutely no knowledge on the topic whatsoever, because then people get angry automatically.
Barking Pumpkin said:
The "if you don't like it, fucking leave" attitude is so stupid. That just destroys the whole concept of freedom of speech and democracy. We can criticize some ways where we think the government acts inappropriately and still be respectful towards the loss in 9/11, and the other losses America faces. Just because a tragedy occurred doesn't give certain people a free ticket to push through their agenda and say "anyone who doesn't like it can leave." Dissent is the best way to be a patriotic American, because that's why America was founded.

LOL yeah ok, sorry but if I used free speech to destroy free speech , what do you call that? Sounds like a conundrum to me... My opinion is , if anyone doesn't like it the way we live here in the USA then leave, go back to where you came from since it is so much better there, nothing will change my mind about it and for you to idealize it, well that doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
