VHT deliverance cab users views samples


Aug 28, 2006
Anyone else in here got a VHT D cab ?
what do you guys think of em ?

haha and why are they soooo expensive talkin £799 uk for on of these things, I can find a mesa cab cheaper than that :goggly:

I really like the sound of the custom P-E-50 speakers you get in the cab ive been told these speakers only come in these vht cabs or direct from vht, i havent had a chance to compare this cab to other cabs anyone had the chance ?

and again why are these cabs so expensive ?

ill do some clips tonight with my peavey 6505 give you guys a chance to hear this cab. i would love for some other people to post there clips using the d cab :)

so just a shout to anyone out there with a d cab upload some clip or some comparisons.

I saw Helmet a few months back and Page Hamilton was playing through those cabs (and a vht pitbull head i believe), and whooaah, the sound literally tore my head off, just huge, proabably one of the more intense live sounds ive heard in a while.
I run my peavey 6505 into the 4X12 deliverance cab buts its in my room ive not had to chance to krank it yet and had no live gigs recently its totally frustrating argh.

I havent heard a band play with a VHT cab yet but as mentioned above ive heard they sound huge in a live situation and ive also been told they tear mesa and marshall cabs apart haha hence why i got one !

Ive never actually had the chance to test this for my self but yeah some comparison clips if anyone has access to these cabs would be sweet.
I know Page has some harry kolbe modded stuff, so it wouldnt suprise me if he swapped out the factory speakers for celestions, or maybe its one of those situations like the Mesa cabs where its essentially a v30 but they make a minor alteration and call it something different..........