
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Erik, Fotmbm, Doomcifer, Kill Tully...anyone else into old school? Guys have you seen this site?

I met the guy who runs this site back at Heathen Crusade. He and his friend drove all the way from Atlanta to Minneapolis. For some reason, I only got round to checking it out yesterday.

Vibrations of Doom

Go to "Classic Albums" section.

An A-Z comprehensive list of rare, cult, old school heavy / speed / thrash / epic / traditional metal albums with every song available to hear on Real Audio.

It would take months to go through that, but it's an excellent reference point I think.

Also, if you see anything in that list that you know is worth checking out, let us know in this here thread.
I use this site frequently, which means that I have to use Real Player frequently. There's a metric ton of excellent and some absurdly obscure Metal from around the world. I recommend that everyone into Heavy Metal that can stand very poor rip qualities use this site.

Also: I'm glad for the guy behind this site that he didn't make it in Hallows Eve since they fucking suck now.

Also: Listen to Ripper
Erik said:
which means that as a consequence, your computer now runs approx 67% slower than it should because of all the crap realplayer installed while you weren't looking

it's shit anyway/don't care