Vicious But Well-Produced Black Metal


Jan 16, 2007
I'm addicted to the new Anaal Nathrakh and am looking for black metal albums with a similar amount of variety, aggression, and intensity, but I don't want to sacrifice that nice clean production job and sense of sophistication (relative to their old stuff, anyway). I also really like the sense of epic-ness they infused into the music, so that would be an added plus...

thanks in advance for recs
Compared with lots of bands it isn't really that badly produced. First bands that came to mind here for what you're looking for prolly Catamenia/Naglfar/Dark Fortress.
Immortal- Damned in Black has decent production.
Dimmu Borgir- the rerelease of Stormblast
The bits I heard off of Ancient- The Cainian Chronicle sounded pretty good.