good black metal with good production


Nov 16, 2007
Now, I love De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas as much as the next guy, but I rarely like the bad production that comes along with alot of black metal. I pretty much like all kinds I've come across, but I haven't come across a whole lot.

BM bands I like with clean production:
Anaal Nathrakh
Woods Of Ypres
Sigh (tbh, I only have hangman's hymn atm.)

btw, yes I do like emperor and immortal and mayhem and (some) burzum, but I need new bands, not classics.
Dont know much about new bands but alot of the swedish stuff has used good productions like Dark Funeral and Marduk and stuff like that. Then of course the symphonic band usually strive for better production than the raw, true, cvlt, evil and grim black metal bands ;)
later Aborym
Dimmu Borgir
Keep of Kalessin
Limbonic Art
Nazgul (Ita)
Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice
Negură Bunget - OM
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Ulver - Bergtatt - Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
Now, I love De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas as much as the next guy, but I rarely like the bad production that comes along with alot of black metal. I pretty much like all kinds I've come across, but I haven't come across a whole lot.

BM bands I like with clean production:
Anaal Nathrakh
Woods Of Ypres
Sigh (tbh, I only have hangman's hymn atm.)

btw, yes I do like emperor and immortal and mayhem and (some) burzum, but I need new bands, not classics.

If you like Sigh, you should really get their albums Hail Horror Hail and Imaginary Sonicscape as they are both pretty damn awesome. Scorn Defeat is cool too if you want to hear their more black metal sounding material.
They are still not black metal. At least not their latest which is the only album I've heard.

Through Times Of War is 100% Black Metal.

As I said I was refering to their latest release.

I haven't heard Through Times of War yet, but I personally like Armada better than Kolossus. I'd classify Armada as melodic black metal with bits of thrash thrown in.

EDIT: when I say "melodic black metal," I mean that the vocal passages contain some melodic clean moments. They're not all harsh.
The only entire release by Keep of Kalessin I've listened to was the Reclaim EP, which was pretty forgettable barring the vocals.