"Transylvanian" black metal


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
Instead of poorly attempting to explain that, I think I should just post a couple examples.

Darkthrone's first 3 black metal albums
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
(maybe even Horna, not sure about this one yet though)

I know the black metal fans here know what I'm talking about but cant put it into words... the kinda riffing that sounds like it's straight out of a vampire movie.

I love this style of black metal. Production isnt really a problem either.
I know what you mean but I'd hardly consider Graveland or even Mayhem to fall under that category.
Well maybe it's just the last graveland album I listened to? (Carpathian Wolves)

And as far as mayhem goes, Funeral Fog and Freezing Moon are the only tracks that really have that feel.
I'm not 100% what exactly you're looking for, but I think you want something with that horror movie type atmosphere. If so, check out Night Conquers Day and Tearstained.