Vicious WASP Rumors


Sep 5, 2005
Alameda, CA. USA
This has been floating around the net for a few days now.

I just got off the phone with our drummer Larry Howe. He has indeed joined WASP.
He auditioned a few weeks ago and Blackie called him back and told him he had the gig. He flys to LA this weekend to start work with the band for the new tour dates that start soon.
As far as Larry and VR goes, we have a break now with no tour dates while Geoff finishes the new CD so the timing is good for everyone. Larry says Blackie wants him to do the tour and then what happens next will be figured out down the line. Larry remains a member of Vicious Rumors.
I still want Larry to do the WildeStarr CD with my wife and I, and I hope he can still do that at some point later this year.
This is great news for Larry, and I gave him congrats on the phone, its a win win situation for everyone invollved.
