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In the 80s dont no the right date but EMI filmed saxon in concert think it was at the hammersmith odeon in London
also in the 80s think it was on the destiny tour saxon was filmed in concert and was shown on ch4 does anybody have any of these vidoes or does anybody no where i can get them from.

I think i vaguely remember this, I know I watched a concert on ch4 once, presented by that guy with the long white hair, it was on his weekly show. Damned if I can remember the guys name though, get that and you may be in with a chance of getting a copy from ch4 archives.

Here in Germany they once aired an entire saxon show as well on TV.It was one of the famous "Rockpalast" broadcasts and (if memory serves) it was from the 1990 show they did at the "E-Werk" in Cologne/Germany.

I think I still do have a Hifi stereo video recording of that concert somewhere.

After I've seen them three times this past week (Stuttgart,Würzburg and Nürnberg) and will again check them out here in Munich wednesday, I'll need to find it anytime soon...

Best from Munich, Germany


I,ve got four original Saxon videos. The first, 'Saxon Live' is from 1983 and is live from Rock City in Nottingham.

The second is 'Saxon Live Innocence' and is a concert from Madrid in 1986.

The third is 'Saxon Greatest Hits Live' which is a ten year anniversary video (with John Parr appearing).

The fourth is 'Saxon - Power and the Glory, The Video Anthology' 14 saxon videos on it.

You can find them by looking in record fairs and if you are lucky, second hand video shops. I found one when i was on holiday in Spain.

hi gorden yeah ive got all the vidios you have but thanks anyway i guess im after bot leg vidios or ones that have been shown on the tv that people have recorded that i can play on brit pal vhs.Also looking for saxon guitar tableture the only tab i can find is some of the other saxon site and denim and leather song

I have the ch4 video, it was filmed at the Town&Country club 1988 (London). EMI might also have filmed the Hammersmith 1986 gig (They for sure TAPED the whole thing!).
I can tell you, there is A LOT of unreleased SAXON videos in the archives!! I KNOW they also filmed more then one gig on the UK tour 1983, Cardiff for sure, and nottingham was released ("Live"). Then when they were doing the "Live innocence (Madrid)" video, Barcelona 1985 were filmed too!!!
I also a few years back got a mail from a guy who claimed he had footage from the 1982 tour, which was supposed to be released as a Tv-documentary, with profiles of all in the band too. Same goes for the "Bombers&Eagles Tour" 1992.
But then i never heard from him again.....
There were about 2-3 (part of) shows aired on german tv in the early 80´s, i have thoose. Argentinaian tv aired a 50minute show in 1992, have that one too.
The rest is all footage done privately by fans, and it excisting quite a few shows between 1984-2000! I collect them myself!

hi dan the swede if the vidios you have can be played on brit pal vhs vidio would it be possible for you to do me some copies to buy of you you can email me maybe one these daysthe vidios saxon have tucked away in the vaults they could release them for us fans look forward to hearing from you ian

The Nottingham venue the '83 show was filmed at is in fact the Royal concert hall.(Not Rock city which is a club round the corner). The saxon show was one of the first gigs at the Royal concert hall/Royal centre. And yes,Dan is right, they also filmed Cardiff.
German TV also aired approx 30mins from a gig in Dortmund in 1982.
As for bootleg videos,theres lots in trading circles. One of the better filmed shows is from "Harpos,Detroit". I think it might have been an "in House" camera its so good.

here is the songs which are on the c4 video.
battle cry.
ride like the wind.
s.o.s. which ex bass player paul jonhson sings out of bloodytune. and biff looks a bit pissed off!!!!!!!


This is a bit sad, I have a video of Biff appearing on shhh!! Pop Quiz. A rare treat we viewers had, Biff singing Deliah, yes the old Tom Jones & S.A.H.B. Classic. Don't tell everyone though!