Video of a Band I've produced....(hot chick ;))

Yeah... not to derail the thread or anything but speaking of bad videos, I think Scar Symmetry wins the "Bad Music Video Award" with their "Noumenon and Phenomenon" song.

SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE F***. I laughed through the entire video first time I watched it... and the second time I watched it (just a few minutes ago) I got depressed. WHAT IS UP with the faces that growler guy makes?

A picture says more than a thousand words right...? Here you go.


I do not wish to know what they were inserting up his rectum on those shots... :(
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Hmmmm, if I don't have anything nice to say about the music, I'm not going to say it, I guess. The production, however, is great so proper respect to Lasse.
it's always shite if in ANY of these threads personal opinions about songwriting and musicians skills are being spread (unless someone asks)...
keep in mind, that some of us do this for a living and it doesn't really look very professionell if people chime in with "that bassplayer sucks and the drummer is all over the place" least if only the production (or in this the video) was ehat's been asked for...I don't wanna have to explain to a client why I'm posting a link in a forum where people are tearing the songs etc apart (as I said, unless someone's been asking for it.......most of the cases though I don't have influence on the songwriting or a singers vioce, so no use telling me....only causes trouble)
it's always shite if in ANY of these threads personal opinions about songwriting and musicians skills are being spread (unless someone asks)...
keep in mind, that some of us do this for a living and it doesn't really look very professionell if people chime in with "that bassplayer sucks and the drummer is all over the place" least if only the production (or in this the video) was ehat's been asked for...I don't wanna have to explain to a client why I'm posting a link in a forum where people are tearing the songs etc apart (as I said, unless someone's been asking for it.......most of the cases though I don't have influence on the songwriting or a singers vioce, so no use telling me....only causes trouble)

To be fair, something as subjective as this will always gather some negative comments, so IMHO that should be realised before posting anything. And after all, you did post a music video in the "Rate my..." subforum, so... ;)

I do understand your point, though, and that's why I seldom post anything but my own music here.
. And after all, you did post a music video in the "Rate my..." subforum, so... ;)

yeah, but "rate MY MIX" (or in this case "their video") doesn't mean "tell me if you think they accordionplayer sucks and can't hit a right note", cause I don't have any influence on that :)

was actually not referring that much to this thread tbh, but thought more about the general thing....I've actually thought about making a sticky about this...I probably ignore my post in this thread, wasn't actually talking about this band in particular (cause I actually like it ;) ).
Production is good! The band is a little too generic for me but I wouldn't say they suck...the whole female vocalist thing is way overdone these days! I wouldn't worry about the negative comments Lasse...any band that can't take some heat won't make it in the real world. Better for them to get calloused early on :cool:
Hey, the band published this. So EVERYBODY may say his/her opinion on this band or not.
If somebody likes it then tell everybody else to listen to it. If you think this sucks then why aren´t we allowed to say so?

I produced very crappy bands, too. But as soon as the band says "Hey, we think it´s great so let´s give it to the people" everybody has the right to say "This is crap".
Hey, the band published this. So EVERYBODY may say his/her opinion on this band or not.
If somebody likes it then tell everybody else to listen to it. If you think this sucks then why aren´t we allowed to say so?

I produced very crappy bands, too. But as soon as the band says "Hey, we think it´s great so let´s give it to the people" everybody has the right to say "This is crap".
I wasn't talking about this band actually....
and what I mean is:

If I'm a photographer and post a picture I've taken of a woman, who paid me to get a nice portrait of her...
I then post that in a photograohers forum cause there might be interesting shades and perspectives on it (from a photographers point of view) and the next three pages are "nice pic, but she is ugly", "look at her nose", "if I'd look like that I'd not leave the house", "fugly!".....very professional :).
if she posts it on "" it's a different thing, but when the pic is being posted on a photographers forum it's IMO useless to discuss whether the clients face is beautiful or not...
that's all I mean....

Whenever I am posting a mix here of a band that is not my own it should be self-evident that I'm not interested in songwriting hints or opinions on whether or not someone likes the singer/fluteplayer etc...cause that's not my job/responsibility.
There wouldn't have been such a problem if there was a Rate my song(/idea), though I realise sub forums cost money.

Anyway back on topic. I actually like the guitars a lot, apart from their highend.
I wasn't talking about this band actually....
and what I mean is:

If I'm a photographer and post a picture I've taken of a woman, who paid me to get a nice portrait of her...
I then post that in a photograohers forum cause there might be interesting shades and perspectives on it (from a photographers point of view) and the next three pages are "nice pic, but she is ugly", "look at her nose", "if I'd look like that I'd not leave the house", "fugly!".....very professional :).
if she posts it on "" it's a different thing, but when the pic is being posted on a photographers forum it's IMO useless to discuss whether the clients face is beautiful or not...
that's all I mean....

Whenever I am posting a mix here of a band that is not my own it should be self-evident that I'm not interested in songwriting hints or opinions on whether or not someone likes the singer/fluteplayer etc...cause that's not my job/responsibility.

Okay, I see. Maybe you shouldn´t have written that it´s a hot chick. I was a bit disappointed...:lol:
And as it is a video everybody´s attention is NOT drawn on the production at first though I think it´s quite good.