Video Of DAVE MUSTAINE Storming Off Stage In Toronto Posted


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
A grainy video of MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine storming off stage during the band's headlining performance at the Toronto, Ontario stop of Gigantour 2006 on September 25 has been posted online at The following eyewitness account was sent to BLABBERMOUTH.NET within a couple of hours of the incident:

"The [third] song into [MEGADETH's] set ('The Scorpion') Dave kept poking at his ear a lot, moving his hair etc., then out of nowhere he took his guitar strap off and just swung his guitar like a baseball bat across the stage, then promptly stormed off stage. The band finished the song then followed him off stage. 10 minutes later, a worker at the venue came on the side mic to tell us there was technical difficulties and they would be resolved in 5 minutes. They proceeded to work on the main mic (Dave's) for 10-15 minutes before Dave came back out, apologized, and played the last hour of the set. I was front and center in the pit, about 8 feet away from Dave and it wasn't clear to anyone around me if the sound was working or not, or if Dave was just being Dave."

The North American installment of Gigantour 2006 kicked off September 6 in Boise, Idaho. The trek features LAMB OF GOD, ARCH ENEMY, OPETH, OVERKILL, THE SMASHUP, INTO ETERNITY and SANCTITY in addition to the headliner MEGADETH.

MEGADETH's new CD, "United Abominations", is scheduled for release in early 2007 via Roadrunner Records.
probably went to chew someone out, Dave's just a dude that gets fed up like the rest of us... nobody knows the story but I'm sure people will just call Dave an asshole for no reason regardless, without even thinking of how stupid it would be to think Dave would just randomly walk off stage for no reason

that whole "or if Dave was just being Dave" is pretty bs and uncalled for, then again you did get that from blabbermouth which explains it :p
a couple of weeks now and I get to see him and Deth live on stage again.

i get fed up at my job when machines and equipment don't work properly. of course if i swung something like a baseball bat and stormed out they'd fire me and make me pay for what i broke. so i just bitch to whoevers closest.
House of Seance said:
probably went to chew someone out, Dave's just a dude that gets fed up like the rest of us... nobody knows the story but I'm sure people will just call Dave an asshole for no reason regardless, without even thinking of how stupid it would be to think Dave would just randomly walk off stage for no reason

that whole "or if Dave was just being Dave" is pretty bs and uncalled for, then again you did get that from blabbermouth which explains it :p
when I saw Megadeth in Philly 2 years ago - they were playing Hanger 18 and the drummer dropped a beat and Dave shot him the ugliest glare I have ever seen! I thought I was watching the Police or something!

As far as I know it's still the same drummer though, hahahaha, so I guess they made up.
House of Seance said:
probably went to chew someone out, Dave's just a dude that gets fed up like the rest of us... nobody knows the story but I'm sure people will just call Dave an asshole for no reason regardless, without even thinking of how stupid it would be to think Dave would just randomly walk off stage for no reason

that whole "or if Dave was just being Dave" is pretty bs and uncalled for, then again you did get that from blabbermouth which explains it :p
The few vocals I heard sounded ok. I don't care if I only have half the story or not. It was very Axl Rose of him to toss his guitar and walk off. Yes, Dave is a person who gets fed up like the rest of us. However, most people handle adversity with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.
fah-q said:
Yes, Dave is a person who gets fed up like the rest of us. However, most people handle adversity with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.

I agree 100%. He should have finished the song and then told the crowd what was happening. Like Karrokid said, if I acted like that at work people would think I was acting like a big baby. In the real world we work around the problem and people give you more respect.
Ulster Mosher said:
I've seen less experienced bands handle that sort of situation in a more professional manner.
Less experienced bands haven't dealt with it as many times as Mustaine has over the years. I'm sure it gets old!
No biggie IMO. I mean he came back out, apologized, and finished the show. If he took off and didn't finish then I could see why people would be pissed and making a big deal out of it but that wasn't the case.
something I never understood is the attitude "proffesional" bands develop about their equipment. I am in a band, and like all other bands who are not even semi-famous we deal with what we have. We don't have in-ear moniters, we are lucky if the venue we are at has moniters at all. We listen to the Drummer, like you are suppose to do, and we do our best to put on a kick ass show with just your amps and guitars - WHAT A CONCEPT.

Bands get some recognition and some sponsers, and they act like they simply could not go in without their fancy equipment. And don't tell me it's becasue you need that crap in a large venue - I have plaid in large venues without moniters - as have a million other bands.

SUck it up!
KY_Fried442 said:
No biggie IMO. I mean he came back out, apologized, and finished the show. If he took off and didn't finish then I could see why people would be pissed and making a big deal out of it but that wasn't the case.
Right, it's not like he pulled an "Axl Rose" and just left!