Video of drum recording!!!


May 3, 2006
So our drummer finally sent me these videos from when we tracked stuff back in September, and i figured some people on here might be interested. I know these vids aren't that informative from a recording standpoint -- i think it shows more of what the drummer's end of the bargain is. This dude hits hard, hits consistently, and keeps time with a click. If a drummer can't do those things, then all the recording technology in the world won't change the fact that he sucks.



ha sm7 on hats, love that ;)
the kit looks like a bitch to mic and mix tho, just look at the toms and cymbals etc, wil totally fuck you stereo image..or rather how you'd like it to be;)
it's either all on the right or the snare totally on the left ;) (drummers perspective)
The dude is wearing in-ear monitors under his hat, he was hearing a click and scratch guitar in there. Sorry you can't hear the actual music in the videos -- I'm not so great with editing this stuff yet.

I was kinda worried about the toms and the stereo image too...I wish he'd spread that stuff out a little more. You can hear the end results at the link below. I think we did OK for ourselves.

As far as the stick twirls...don't even get me started on that. He did know he was being videotaped though.

What's this about drummers recording to a "light?" I've never heard of that...
What's this about drummers recording to a "light?" I've never heard of that...

Well, its like playing to a metronome, but in stead of playing to a constant click, you follow a light that is flashing in the same BPM.
I know lots of drummers do this sence they cant hear the metronome good enough when practicing at home.
Well, its like playing to a metronome, but in stead of playing to a constant click, you follow a light that is flashing in the same BPM.
I know lots of drummers do this sence they cant hear the metronome good enough when practicing at home.
THAT is actually pretty cool. I'm not a drummer so I've never heard of it...I'm gonna have to check this out now. Thanks man!
Yeah man, looks great. He's tight, I'll tell you that!

Well, as long as we're posting our sweetheart drummers, I'll post a drumrec. vid we did with my band from Sept ´07 aswell. He's just warming up in the vid though, but might be interesting to watch for deathmetal/grindcore drummers or whatever... enjoy.

Here's my bands myspace for those who are interested:
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That guy is pretty sick. I like how he's got 3 china cymbals and no crash cymbals.
My drummer saw this thread, and insisted that I post this for the guys asking about the stick twirling thing:

"i twirl my sticks to help me keep in time. i don't do it for flash. it actually keeps me in line 'cuz i used to jump ahead of the click in dead-spots like that, but i do the stick twirl dead on with the click to fill in the blank so as to not jump the gun." heard it here first, i guess. That tidbit of info might help out the drummers among you, although I doubt it.
THAT is actually pretty cool. I'm not a drummer so I've never heard of it...I'm gonna have to check this out now. Thanks man!

My rack guitartuner (Behringer BTR2000, a copy of Korg DTR-2000) has pretty visible metronome; tho, its a sweeping model, but if you don't want to see the other lights except the center one, just put some gaffer tape there ;)

edit: read the manual, there are two modes: A flashing light and the sweeper
My drummer saw this thread, and insisted that I post this for the guys asking about the stick twirling thing:

"i twirl my sticks to help me keep in time. i don't do it for flash. it actually keeps me in line 'cuz i used to jump ahead of the click in dead-spots like that, but i do the stick twirl dead on with the click to fill in the blank so as to not jump the gun." heard it here first, i guess. That tidbit of info might help out the drummers among you, although I doubt it.

My friend, who is techinically my drummer, whilst recording some tracks for my album attempted to stick twirl and show off. He dopped the stick and i was filming it. My assistant engineer and i were dying with laughter. it was priceless.
The stick twirl is not to be attempted by just anyone. It requires a rare level of skill and dedication, and probably watching old Poison videos a lot.
"i twirl my sticks to help me keep in time. i don't do it for flash. it actually keeps me in line 'cuz i used to jump ahead of the click in dead-spots like that, but i do the stick twirl dead on with the click to fill in the blank so as to not jump the gun."

Yeah, my drummer does that too - when he recorded with his punk band they tried to stop him, and his time keeping went to shit. It's no different than a guitarist miming out the rhythm with his picking hand in sections he's not playing really - it just looks cooler; and c'mon, drummers have to take every chance they get to look good ;)
