Villains - Directions To Servants (DI's inside) Instrumental

Please criticise a noob here. Criticism by a pro is such a good thing for me!

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here you go Ocean, like I said I would. It is a fun, sludgy song, couldn't pass it up :zombie:

Nice attempt! I would say that I hate how loud the bass is, but it kind of sounds bass ass here. Your overall mix is suffering though. I'd work on your levels, tones, and mess around with some different plugins on your master track. Also, work on your snare. No offense, but the snare has got to go! ;)

Can I get some crits? Kind of curious as to how I do. Mixed in about 30min using ssd4 and guitar rig 5 for guitars and bass

This mix definitely sounds like a 30 minute mix. I'd suggest trying some different plugins for your guitar chain. All of the ones I listed in the description of my chain are free. I'd also work work on getting a little more "life" out of your drums. Make that snare crack! I thought that the stuff going on at 1:04 was really interesting. Nice bass drop. ;)
loved these stems. Got the most professional sounding mix out of any of the others ive listened to so far if i dont say so myself :p added some panning stuff as well of the djents.mp3

I thought your mix was good. Not the most professional in my opinion, but it sounded really good. You need to to bring up your leads at the beginning. Your toms also seem pretty much non existent. I don't know if your missing a lot of hits or just have some of the muted. Your bass seems a little treble ran. I'd bring down those highs and maybe use a little less gain. With that said, I thought you did a really good job mixing!
Please criticise a noob here. Criticism by a pro is such a good thing for me!

I would try out some of the plugins I listed in my guitar chain. They are all free. There shouldn't be any cymbal hits in the drum midi. Take the hi-hat hits out of the drum midi! This seems to be a huge problem with a lot of the responses. At 1:10 the drums get off, but they seem to recover after about 15 seconds. You mix is suffering mainly because the quality of the instruments are suffering. Work on getting good tones, and then work on trying to make a good mix!
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What's a good wrapper for vst to rtas? I run pro tools 10 and I'd like to try the suggested plugin chains but obviously can't unless I have a wrapper
What's a good wrapper for vst to rtas? I run pro tools 10 and I'd like to try the suggested plugin chains but obviously can't unless I have a wrapper

I have done a little bit of research online. The only wrapper I found (besides everyone and their mother suggesting it), is the FXpansion wrapper. It's not free either.